Wendy Chung, the director of the Clinical Genetics Program at Columbia University, is presenting the second lecture of the CSSR’s Spring series tomorrow night (March 23rd) at 6pm. Don’t miss the discussion of her fascinating research on genetic medicine.
CSSR 2010 Spring Seminar Series Presents:
Ethical Challenges in Genetic Medicine
Wendy Chung, MD, PhD – Clinical and molecular geneticist
Director, Clinical Genetics Program, Columbia University
With advances in genomic technology, there is an ever increasing ability
to predict increased risk of disease and to shape the genes of the next
generation through reproductive genetics. Many important questions have
arisen with these advances. How accurate are these genetic predictions?
Do health care providers and the public understand the limitations of
this information? Should third party payers cover the costs of genetic
and genomic testing and should they have access to the results if they
do? Should any limitations be implemented in using genetic and genomic
technology for reproductive purposes? Who owns a gene and what happens
to medical care when genes are patented?
Tuesday, March 23rd
Time: 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Location: Davis Auditorium, Schapiro CEPSR Building <http://www.columbia.edu/cu/cssr/davis_directions.html>