State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School


Green Drinks – A Festive Way to Celebrate the Holidays!

Flickr Photo by Woodleywonderworks

The Center for Environmental Research and Conservation had a blast at the 2010 Green Drinks Holiday Party! Every December, Green Drinks partners with outstanding individuals and groups to raise awareness about important environmental issues.

Fabien Cousteau, the aquatic filmmaker and oceanographic explorer and grandson of Jacques Cousteau, introduced the guest speaker, David de Rothschild, who sailed from California to Australia on a catamaran Plastiki made from thousands of plastic bottles. The founder of, a “community that believes in the power of stories and adventure to drive social and environmental change,” gave a passionate presentation on his adventure, inspiring us all to reflect upon the importance of nature in our everyday lives.

Amidst the live music, dancing, buzzing organic chocolate room, and cheerful crowd, the “Plastics in the Ocean” themed event featured a silent auction, largely consisting of unique items made of non-renewable resources. One of our favorites was a lamp constructed from an aluminum soda can and six-pack-soda-can-plastic-rings. The proceeds from the event went to Sculpt The Future Foundation and The Algalita Marine Research Foundation.

We were thrilled to take part in the silent auction by donating a voucher for one class in our Certificate in Conservation and Environmental Sustainability. Many of the issues discussed throughout the night, including overharvesting, water pollution, and the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, are discussed, debated, and examined in the program.

Click here for more information on CERC’s Certificate in Conservation and Environmental Sustainability.

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