State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Disease Ecology and Conservation Medicine

Malaria is transmitted to people and animals by mosquitoes. Credit: Image by Ute Frevert; false color by Margaret Shear.

Interested in learning more about disease ecology and conservation medicine? Join your colleagues and friends at the Center for Environmental Research and Conservation.

Disease Ecology provides an overview of the principles of conservation medicine and disease ecology, with an emphasis on the effect of disease on human, wildlife and domestic animal and ecosystem health. It examines the impact of disease on biodiversity and rates of extinction, as well as the rise of emergent diseases as a result of various environmental factors.
Mondays, Feb. 27, Mar. 5, 19, 26, Apr. 2 (5 sessions, 6:10-8:10PM, skip Mar. 12 – Spring Break)

Peter Daszak, PhD is a disease ecologist in the field of conservation medicine, Dr. Peter Daszak is president of EcoHealth Alliance – a global organization dedicated to conservation science that links ecology and the health of humans and wildlife. Dr. Daszak first came to EcoHealth Alliance as the the Executive Director of EcoHealth Alliance’s Consortium for Conservation Medicine (CCM), the first formal inter-institutional partnership to link conservation and disease ecology. Dr. Daszak’s research has been instrumental in revealing and predicting the impacts of emerging diseases in global hot spot regions worldwide. He has also consulted for other non-profit organizations and governmental agencies such as the OIE ad hoc working group on amphibian diseases, the National Academy of Sciences, U.S. Department of the Interior, International Union for the Conservation of Nature, National Institutes of Health, Australian Biosecurity CRC, DIVERSITAS, Society for Conservation Biology, and the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment.

This first session is free and open to the public. Registration is required to attend the full 10-hour course.

Interested in learning more? Visit our website or

Contact Desmond Beirne for more information: or 212-854-0149.

This course is part of CERC’s Certificate Program in Conservation and Environmental Sustainability. Courses may be taken on an individual basis or you may pursue the full 12-course Certificate.

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12 years ago

Looks like a very interesting course, is there an electronic version available?

Übersetzung Schwedisch Deutsch
11 years ago

Very efficiently written story. It will be valuable to anyone who uses it, including me. Keep doing what you are doing – can’t wait to read more posts.

11 years ago

Hi.. is this course available through distance learning outside of United states.. some of my research areas over lap with course content, could not figure out from details here, if this course is available outside US

Bier Aanbiedingen
11 years ago

Peter is doing great work at CCM.