300 years across North America. The records showed the effects of global warming. Photo courtesy of Gordon Jacoby"/> 300 years across North America. The records showed the effects of global warming. Photo courtesy of Gordon Jacoby">
State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Gordon Jacoby and Rosanne D’Arrigo in the Northeast

In 1989, Gordon Jacoby and Rosanne D’Arrigo (above), the Lab’s first PhD student and now associate director of the Division of Biology and Paleo-Environment, published a landmark reconstruction of temperatures dating back 300 years across North America. The records show the effects of global warming. Photo courtesy of Gordon Jacoby

In 1989, Gordon Jacoby and Rosanne D’Arrigo (above), the Lab’s first PhD student and now associate director of the Division of Biology and Paleo-Environment, published a landmark reconstruction of temperatures dating back 300 years across North America. The records show the effects of global warming. Photo courtesy of Gordon Jacoby


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Columbia Climate School has once again been selected as university partner for Climate Week NYC, an annual convening of climate leaders to drive the transition, speed up progress and champion change. Join us for events and follow our coverage.