State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Book Club With Jeffrey Sachs Will Examine the Most Important Topics for Humanity

two people reading books
Photo: Burst on Pexels

It is a common refrain these days that we live in “unprecedented times.” It is true that we face uncommon threats and existential crises in climate change, nuclear proliferation, rampant economic inequality, racial injustice, and of course, the COVID-19 pandemic. Where did these issues come from and how can we overcome them to build a better future together? We can look to remarkable books—and authors—to learn about how we got to our present circumstances and how we can move forward, with peace and social justice.

The SDG Academy is excited to launch the Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs. This book club is a free global forum to discuss outstanding, recently published work that examines the most important topics for humanity. It is hosted by Jeffrey Sachs, professor of economics, director of Columbia University’s Center for Sustainable Development, and president of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network. In Professor Sachs’ words, this is “a book club where we have the chance to talk to world-leading authors who are writing fantastic, scintillating, inspiring, and incredibly informative works about human nature, about social justice, and about the inequities that we have inherited from the past that we have to overcome in the future.”

The first conversation of the Book Club will take place on Thursday, January 28 at 9 am EST. It will feature Martin J. Sherwin’s book, Gambling with Armageddon. We invite you to join us live for the conversation and listen to upcoming series of podcasts. Become a member by joining the Book Club on edX to access excerpts, supplementary resources, and a discussion forum to connect with other members from around the world.

We hope that you will join the circle and tune in to the conversations. Happy reading!

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