Investors Play a Crucial Role in Solving Climate Change
Climate School experts discuss how strategic investing can drive innovation and systemic change.
The Impact of Regulation on Automobile Innovation
The transition to environmental sustainability in America requires rapid, widespread adoption of electric vehicles. Regulation driving technological innovation may help expedite this process.
Faculty Spotlight: Yutian Wu, Climate Modeler and Atmospheric Scientist
Wu is using climate models to study the movement of air pollutants through the atmosphere.
New Project Aims to Advance Open and Inclusive Science
A new CIESIN project funded by NASA’s Open Source Science Initiative will produce online learning modules to develop open science literacy for researchers at diverse career stages and from varied backgrounds.
New Program for High School Students Will Explore Climate Complexity in Chile and Argentina
A Columbia Climate School expert shares her goals for the Climate Corps Pre-College Chile and Argentina Program.
Sustainable Development Program Hosts First Alumni Career Conversations Panel
A panel of alumni answered a series of questions on topics such as skills used in their careers, important classes to take, and advice for students entering the field.
Climate School Internship Opportunities for Summer 2023
A variety of positions are available. Applications will be accepted until Monday, April 24.
My Experience as a Fellow With the New York City Panel on Climate Change
A Climate and Society alum and former fellow with the Health Working Group reflects on what she learned and how it opened the door to future career opportunities.
Overcoming Obstacles to Electric Vehicles: Charging Stations and Lower Prices
The technology of electric vehicles is poised to displace the internal combustion engine, but it will take time to transition away from a century’s worth of infrastructure and investment.