State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Author: Funding Initiatives Staff2

  • Anonymous Gift Supports Earth Institute Priorities

    The Earth Institute has been awarded an unrestricted $500,000 gift over 3 years from an anonymous donor. This is one of the largest unrestricted gifts received to date for the Columbia Campaign for the Earth Institute. Unrestricted gifts allow the Earth Institute to address the most critical needs in several areas of research, education, and…

  • Alissa Park – Lenfest Junior Professor in Applied Climate Science

    When rising star Ah-Hyung Alissa Park was invited to come to Columbia University to give a seminar on her work in sustainable energy and the mineral sequestration of carbon dioxide, she knew she was being interviewed, but she did not know about the offer she would soon receive to be the Lenfest Junior Professor in…

  • MacArthur Foundation Supports Pilot to Reduce Maternal Deaths in Rural Ghana

    With support from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Earth Institute, Columbia University has launched a new pilot project aimed at decreasing maternal deaths by evaluating the feasibility, accessibility and acceptability of a package of proven interventions for postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) in the Millennium Village in Bonsaaso, Ghana. As a supplement to…

  • Klaus S. Lackner – Director of the Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy

    To address the exponential rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations since the Industrial Revolution, Professor Klaus S. Lackner, director of the Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy at the Earth Institute, is working on ambitious carbon capture and sequestration strategies.  “Our goal is to take a process that takes 100,000 years and compress it into 30…

  • Visit to Millennium Villages in Mali and Senegal

    Thursday, June 25, 2008, six intrepid Earth Institute supporters – Joy Tartar of the Lenfest Foundation and her husband George Hall, Nancy Best, Diane Troderman and Harold Grinspoon, and Bonnie Potter – joined Earth Institute Funding Initiatives staff and 200 project staff for the third annual Millennium Villages retreat in Bamako, Mali. The group participated…

  • Rockefeller Foundation Supports Urban Planning in Nairobi

    New York, NY, July, 2009. The Rockefeller Foundation is aiding sustainable development in metropolitan Nairobi, Kenya with a $400,000 grant to Columbia University’s Earth Institute aimed at supporting broad-based grass roots participation in the urban-planning process. The Earth Institute’s Center for Sustainable Urban Development (CSUD) will use the support to continue ongoing work with the…

  • The Earth Institute and Merck & Co., Inc./The Merck Company Foundation Collaborate To Strengthen Health Services In Rural Africa

    NEW YORK, June 22 — With the financial support and collaboration of The Merck Company Foundation, the Earth Institute at Columbia University is launching an ambitious initiative to strengthen community health services for over 400,000 people in ten African countries under the Millennium Villages project.  The initiative will advance the development of a professional cadre…

  • Deutsche Bank Launches Carbon Counter in NYC

    Deutsche Bank launched the first real-time carbon counter in June, taking advantage of the unusually rainy weather of the month to underscore the importance of communicating climate change awareness. Located across 33rd street from Penn Station and Madison Square Garden, the Carbon Counter displays the running total of long-lived greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Deutsche…

  • MacArthur To Support Master’s Programs Around the World Offering Professional Training for Future Sustainable Development Leaders

    CHICAGO, June 30, 2009 – Supporting rigorous professional training for future leaders in the field of sustainable development, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation announced today grants totaling $7.6 million to nine universities in seven countries to establish new Master’s in Development Practice (MDP) programs. The Foundation has committed $15 million to seed…

  • Anonymous Gift Supports Earth Institute Priorities

    The Earth Institute has been awarded an unrestricted $500,000 gift over 3 years from an anonymous donor. This is one of the largest unrestricted gifts received to date for the Columbia Campaign for the Earth Institute. Unrestricted gifts allow the Earth Institute to address the most critical needs in several areas of research, education, and…

  • Alissa Park – Lenfest Junior Professor in Applied Climate Science

    When rising star Ah-Hyung Alissa Park was invited to come to Columbia University to give a seminar on her work in sustainable energy and the mineral sequestration of carbon dioxide, she knew she was being interviewed, but she did not know about the offer she would soon receive to be the Lenfest Junior Professor in…

  • MacArthur Foundation Supports Pilot to Reduce Maternal Deaths in Rural Ghana

    With support from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Earth Institute, Columbia University has launched a new pilot project aimed at decreasing maternal deaths by evaluating the feasibility, accessibility and acceptability of a package of proven interventions for postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) in the Millennium Village in Bonsaaso, Ghana. As a supplement to…

  • Klaus S. Lackner – Director of the Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy

    To address the exponential rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations since the Industrial Revolution, Professor Klaus S. Lackner, director of the Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy at the Earth Institute, is working on ambitious carbon capture and sequestration strategies.  “Our goal is to take a process that takes 100,000 years and compress it into 30…

  • Visit to Millennium Villages in Mali and Senegal

    Thursday, June 25, 2008, six intrepid Earth Institute supporters – Joy Tartar of the Lenfest Foundation and her husband George Hall, Nancy Best, Diane Troderman and Harold Grinspoon, and Bonnie Potter – joined Earth Institute Funding Initiatives staff and 200 project staff for the third annual Millennium Villages retreat in Bamako, Mali. The group participated…

  • Rockefeller Foundation Supports Urban Planning in Nairobi

    New York, NY, July, 2009. The Rockefeller Foundation is aiding sustainable development in metropolitan Nairobi, Kenya with a $400,000 grant to Columbia University’s Earth Institute aimed at supporting broad-based grass roots participation in the urban-planning process. The Earth Institute’s Center for Sustainable Urban Development (CSUD) will use the support to continue ongoing work with the…

  • The Earth Institute and Merck & Co., Inc./The Merck Company Foundation Collaborate To Strengthen Health Services In Rural Africa

    NEW YORK, June 22 — With the financial support and collaboration of The Merck Company Foundation, the Earth Institute at Columbia University is launching an ambitious initiative to strengthen community health services for over 400,000 people in ten African countries under the Millennium Villages project.  The initiative will advance the development of a professional cadre…

  • Deutsche Bank Launches Carbon Counter in NYC

    Deutsche Bank launched the first real-time carbon counter in June, taking advantage of the unusually rainy weather of the month to underscore the importance of communicating climate change awareness. Located across 33rd street from Penn Station and Madison Square Garden, the Carbon Counter displays the running total of long-lived greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Deutsche…

  • MacArthur To Support Master’s Programs Around the World Offering Professional Training for Future Sustainable Development Leaders

    CHICAGO, June 30, 2009 – Supporting rigorous professional training for future leaders in the field of sustainable development, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation announced today grants totaling $7.6 million to nine universities in seven countries to establish new Master’s in Development Practice (MDP) programs. The Foundation has committed $15 million to seed…