State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Author: Peter Schlosser

  • Arctic Sea Ice Retreat: When Will the Arctic Ocean be Ice-Free During Summer?

    Researchers have long recognized the Arctic as a region that shows early and amplified signals of anthropogenically-driven global climate change (e.g., IPCC 2001; Technical Basis, p. 807). Among the most dramatic and most widely watched changes in this region each summer is the retreat of the Arctic sea ice extent. Since it first became possible…

  • Arctic Sea Ice Retreat: When Will the Arctic Ocean be Ice-Free During Summer?

    Researchers have long recognized the Arctic as a region that shows early and amplified signals of anthropogenically-driven global climate change (e.g., IPCC 2001; Technical Basis, p. 807). Among the most dramatic and most widely watched changes in this region each summer is the retreat of the Arctic sea ice extent. Since it first became possible…