State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Author: Steven Cohen42

  • Ensuring that Real Information and Analysis Impacts Decisions

    Ensuring that Real Information and Analysis Impacts Decisions

    We are in a new era of information, computation and communication, which requires that we develop new methods for verifying facts and data.

  • The Progress Toward Sustainability

    The Progress Toward Sustainability

    The effort to ensure that humans can continue to benefit from the miracle of this planet, and increase the distribution of those benefits to all of humanity is well underway. A positive vision of sustainability underlies much of the progress we have made thus far, and will be of increasing importance as the transition to…

  • The Beatles and the Dawn of Global Culture

    The Beatles and the Dawn of Global Culture

    The Beatles demonstrated that something foreign could be exciting and worth exploring. We don’t need to make America great again or only think of America first. The Beatles came into being at the dawn of our global culture and I strongly believe we are nowhere near its dusk.

  • Our Economy Depends on Earth Observation and Scientific Research

    Our Economy Depends on Earth Observation and Scientific Research

    If we are to continue to grow our economy without destroying the planet’s basic systems that sustain human life, we need to learn a great deal more about our planet and the impact of human activities on natural systems.

  • Can State Environmental Agencies Fill in for a Failing EPA?

    Can State Environmental Agencies Fill in for a Failing EPA?

    There are places where EPA will fail the American people. But while state and local governments cannot perform all the functions that a national environmental agency can, visible local environmental and health impacts will lead mayors and governors to act.

  • Transforming Organizations with Sustainability Management

    Transforming Organizations with Sustainability Management

    More and more companies and nonprofits have a chief sustainability officer and are beginning to incorporate sustainability concerns into routine management. The world is slowly starting the transition from today’s economy based on fossil fuels, destruction of ecosystems, and the one time use and disposal of finite resources, to an economy based on renewable resources…

  • The “Can’t-Do” Approach of the American Auto Industry

    The “Can’t-Do” Approach of the American Auto Industry

    Until President Trump’s election, auto manufacturers supported the ambitious emissions and fuel efficiency goals set by the Obama Administration. Now, with the chance to escape these requirements, they are lobbying to get rid of them.

  • Trump’s Budget will Harm the Planet and the Economy

    Trump’s Budget will Harm the Planet and the Economy

    Trump’s proposed budget includes an effort to shrink funding for university-based science research and the national labs run by the Department of Energy. Research on fundamental earth systems science is also cut as is funding for state environmental agencies and national environmental emergency response.

  • A State and Local Strategy for Protecting the American Environment

    A State and Local Strategy for Protecting the American Environment

    While federal support for new technology and infrastructure would be helpful, there is another approach that can also be effective. We should focus on modernizing our state and local energy systems. By modernizing the energy system we can reduce the costs and environmental impact of our energy use.

  • Ensuring that Real Information and Analysis Impacts Decisions

    Ensuring that Real Information and Analysis Impacts Decisions

    We are in a new era of information, computation and communication, which requires that we develop new methods for verifying facts and data.

  • The Progress Toward Sustainability

    The Progress Toward Sustainability

    The effort to ensure that humans can continue to benefit from the miracle of this planet, and increase the distribution of those benefits to all of humanity is well underway. A positive vision of sustainability underlies much of the progress we have made thus far, and will be of increasing importance as the transition to…

  • The Beatles and the Dawn of Global Culture

    The Beatles and the Dawn of Global Culture

    The Beatles demonstrated that something foreign could be exciting and worth exploring. We don’t need to make America great again or only think of America first. The Beatles came into being at the dawn of our global culture and I strongly believe we are nowhere near its dusk.

  • Our Economy Depends on Earth Observation and Scientific Research

    Our Economy Depends on Earth Observation and Scientific Research

    If we are to continue to grow our economy without destroying the planet’s basic systems that sustain human life, we need to learn a great deal more about our planet and the impact of human activities on natural systems.

  • Can State Environmental Agencies Fill in for a Failing EPA?

    Can State Environmental Agencies Fill in for a Failing EPA?

    There are places where EPA will fail the American people. But while state and local governments cannot perform all the functions that a national environmental agency can, visible local environmental and health impacts will lead mayors and governors to act.

  • Transforming Organizations with Sustainability Management

    Transforming Organizations with Sustainability Management

    More and more companies and nonprofits have a chief sustainability officer and are beginning to incorporate sustainability concerns into routine management. The world is slowly starting the transition from today’s economy based on fossil fuels, destruction of ecosystems, and the one time use and disposal of finite resources, to an economy based on renewable resources…

  • The “Can’t-Do” Approach of the American Auto Industry

    The “Can’t-Do” Approach of the American Auto Industry

    Until President Trump’s election, auto manufacturers supported the ambitious emissions and fuel efficiency goals set by the Obama Administration. Now, with the chance to escape these requirements, they are lobbying to get rid of them.

  • Trump’s Budget will Harm the Planet and the Economy

    Trump’s Budget will Harm the Planet and the Economy

    Trump’s proposed budget includes an effort to shrink funding for university-based science research and the national labs run by the Department of Energy. Research on fundamental earth systems science is also cut as is funding for state environmental agencies and national environmental emergency response.

  • A State and Local Strategy for Protecting the American Environment

    A State and Local Strategy for Protecting the American Environment

    While federal support for new technology and infrastructure would be helpful, there is another approach that can also be effective. We should focus on modernizing our state and local energy systems. By modernizing the energy system we can reduce the costs and environmental impact of our energy use.