Earth Sciences119
Maybe Ben Franklin Was Wrong
A new study says that for all of its ill effects, the Laki volcanic eruption of 1783-84 probably was not the main culprit behind one of the coldest winters in hundreds of years, as many scientists — and contemporary observer Benjamin Franklin — have speculated.
Insuring the World’s Poorest Farmers
Index insurance could help small-scale farmers build wealth and cope with climate change, but more accurate weather and climate data is needed for index insurance to catch on, writes Daniel Osgood, a scientist at Columbia University’s International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI). In a new piece in Nature Geoscience, Osgood and colleagues outline…
Lessons from the Japan Earthquake
The jolt in Japan stunned even scientists who’ve studied earthquakes all their lives.
Flying Over the Arctic, Collecting Data and Enjoying the View
By Brian Moses This past week, Operation IceBridge undertook a detailed survey of the ICEX camp, situated on the ice sheet north of Alaska. This complex 3 day mission involves a transit to Fairbanks, AK over the top of the world, refueling in Fairbanks and flying the survey on day two, and a low-altitude nighttime…
Improving Climate Prediction in Africa
Africa lags the developed world in weather stations but still produces a surprising amount of data. Too bad few people are using it. Scientists at Columbia University and a growing number of others—among them Bill Gates and the charity arm of Google—are pushing to open Africa’s climate archive to the world by making it free.…
IceBridge Team Settles in the North
Operation IceBridge has returned to the Arctic for a second Greenland season collecting critical measurements of Arctic sea ice cover and thickness and Greenland’s coastal outlet glaciers. Traveling on a DC8 outfitted as a cargo plane with only 6 rows of seats, the team flew from Baltimore MD to Thule in northern Greenland. The workhorse…
Apply Now for Summer Ecosystem Experience for Undergraduates (SEE-U)
The Summer Ecosystem Experiences for Undergraduates (SEE-U) program provides undergraduate students of all majors from all accredited colleges or universities with a global understanding of ecology and environmental sustainability. It provides students with the opportunity to conduct fieldwork in unique natural settings in addition to participation in a combination of classroom lectures and lab work.
Still Time to Apply for Certificate in Conservation and Environmental Sustainability Program
There is still time to apply for classes in Module 3 of the Certificate in Conservation and Environmental Sustainability Program.
Done in Khulna, back to Dhaka and then home
On Saturday, we finished up work at the site. Even at the last minute, it threw some challenges at us. We began the day with out reduced group eating breakfast down the street. We could no longer take the mediocre food at the hotel. Dhiman and Babu had been eating there for days. Besides paratha,…