State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School


  • Synthetic Biology: Creating New Forms of Life

    Synthetic Biology: Creating New Forms of Life

    When leading genomic scientist, J. Craig Venter announced in May 2010 that he’d created the first self-replicating organism with a totally synthetic genome (the genetic material of an organism), it was the first time many people had heard of synthetic biology. Venter did not actually create a synthetic living organism—rather his research team created a…

  • Water Scarcity: A Shared Problem With a World of Solutions

    Water Scarcity: A Shared Problem With a World of Solutions

    Columbia scientists and affiliates from four continents came together for the first time last week to discuss global water scarcity, present solutions from their own countries, transfer knowledge and present next steps to scale up current projects.

  • Yes, We Can Afford to Remove Carbon from Air

    Yes, We Can Afford to Remove Carbon from Air

    Recently, the American Physical Society (APS) released a report on the direct capture of carbon dioxide from air. The report concludes that air capture could be a powerful tool for mopping up carbon dioxide emissions that otherwise would escape to the air, for providing carbon dioxide for synthetic liquid fuels in the transportation sector, and…

  • The Push to Dam China’s Rivers

    The Push to Dam China’s Rivers

    China already has half the world’s large hydroelectric dams (25,800), but along the Yangtze River and its tributaries, 100 large dams are either being planned or built and 43 additional dams are in the works.

  • Clean Water vs. Cheap Energy: Can We Have Both?

    Clean Water vs. Cheap Energy: Can We Have Both?

    The social fabric of a water quality debate: Anti-fracking protesters converge on Albany… again. A battle of wills between advocates of clean water and cheap energy ensues.

  • Reusing Dirty Water

    Reusing Dirty Water

    Columbia Water Center guest lecturer Raymond Farinato talks about increasing water supply by reusing wastewater in industrial applications.

  • British Royals’ Green Wedding

    British Royals’ Green Wedding

    The Royal wedding used up a lot of resources, but Will and Kate did their best to keep it green.

  • Professor Jeffrey Sachs Extends Term as Director of the Earth Institute

    Professor Jeffrey Sachs Extends Term as Director of the Earth Institute

    The Earth Institute, Columbia University announced that Professor Jeffrey Sachs has agreed to extend his term as its director. Since his tenure began in 2002, Sachs has led the Earth Institute to become a leading scientific authority on sustainable development while simultaneously expanding its reach worldwide. Through his guidance, the Earth Institute and its scientists…

  • ‘One Yard Line’ For Cape Wind?

    ‘One Yard Line’ For Cape Wind?

    Jim Gordon, the developer of Cape Wind, recently spoke at Columbia University about his experience working to get the first offshore wind farm in the US built.

  • Synthetic Biology: Creating New Forms of Life

    Synthetic Biology: Creating New Forms of Life

    When leading genomic scientist, J. Craig Venter announced in May 2010 that he’d created the first self-replicating organism with a totally synthetic genome (the genetic material of an organism), it was the first time many people had heard of synthetic biology. Venter did not actually create a synthetic living organism—rather his research team created a…

  • Water Scarcity: A Shared Problem With a World of Solutions

    Water Scarcity: A Shared Problem With a World of Solutions

    Columbia scientists and affiliates from four continents came together for the first time last week to discuss global water scarcity, present solutions from their own countries, transfer knowledge and present next steps to scale up current projects.

  • Yes, We Can Afford to Remove Carbon from Air

    Yes, We Can Afford to Remove Carbon from Air

    Recently, the American Physical Society (APS) released a report on the direct capture of carbon dioxide from air. The report concludes that air capture could be a powerful tool for mopping up carbon dioxide emissions that otherwise would escape to the air, for providing carbon dioxide for synthetic liquid fuels in the transportation sector, and…

  • The Push to Dam China’s Rivers

    The Push to Dam China’s Rivers

    China already has half the world’s large hydroelectric dams (25,800), but along the Yangtze River and its tributaries, 100 large dams are either being planned or built and 43 additional dams are in the works.

  • Clean Water vs. Cheap Energy: Can We Have Both?

    Clean Water vs. Cheap Energy: Can We Have Both?

    The social fabric of a water quality debate: Anti-fracking protesters converge on Albany… again. A battle of wills between advocates of clean water and cheap energy ensues.

  • Reusing Dirty Water

    Reusing Dirty Water

    Columbia Water Center guest lecturer Raymond Farinato talks about increasing water supply by reusing wastewater in industrial applications.

  • British Royals’ Green Wedding

    British Royals’ Green Wedding

    The Royal wedding used up a lot of resources, but Will and Kate did their best to keep it green.

  • Professor Jeffrey Sachs Extends Term as Director of the Earth Institute

    Professor Jeffrey Sachs Extends Term as Director of the Earth Institute

    The Earth Institute, Columbia University announced that Professor Jeffrey Sachs has agreed to extend his term as its director. Since his tenure began in 2002, Sachs has led the Earth Institute to become a leading scientific authority on sustainable development while simultaneously expanding its reach worldwide. Through his guidance, the Earth Institute and its scientists…

  • ‘One Yard Line’ For Cape Wind?

    ‘One Yard Line’ For Cape Wind?

    Jim Gordon, the developer of Cape Wind, recently spoke at Columbia University about his experience working to get the first offshore wind farm in the US built.