RSVP for the Spring 2021 Earth Institute Research Showcase
Due to the global pandemic, students could not travel for research this year. However, that did not stop them from conducting impressive remote research.
The Long Battle Against Bigotry, Racism and Hatred
While the struggle is difficult and at times discouraging it is always worth the effort and I believe in my heart, that we “shall overcome someday.” We can never give up or surrender.
Earth Institute Statement on Anti-Asian Violence
We unequivocally condemn these acts of violence, and express our support for the Asian American community at this difficult time.
How Universities Can Support Interdisciplinary Careers for Climate and Sustainability Progress
A webinar on March 17 will explore the issue in-depth.
Earth Networks Now Accepting Proposals
Submit a proposal by Friday, April 23, for funding for interdisciplinary working groups.
Staff Spotlight: Judy Jamal, Coordinator in the Earth Institute Director’s Office
For this month’s spotlight, we turn the tables and interview the incredible woman who makes the Staff Spotlight series possible.
Creating Positive Change With Thoughtful Leadership: Meet Alicia Roman
The Earth Institute’s new executive director shares what drew her here, her goals for the organization, and her views on what makes a good leader.
Why International Women’s Day Is Still Relevant in 2021
Gender equality is an essential ingredient in building a fair and sustainable world. Today we’re publishing stories that honor the accomplishments of many of our women colleagues.
How to Defend Yourself and Others Against Online Attacks
Social media can be an important communication tool for scientists and scholars, but it can also invite harassment. Here’s how to stay safe online, and help others who face abuse.