Press Release17
Switch From Hunting to Herding Recorded in Ancient Pee
In a new study, scientists use urine salts to reconstruct the timing and scale of the Neolithic revolution at a Turkish archaeological site.
Carbon Lurking in Deep Ocean Threw Ancient Climate Switch, Say Researchers
A million years ago, a longtime pattern of alternating glaciations and warm periods dramatically changed, when ice ages suddenly became longer and more intense. Scientists have long suspected that this was connected to the slowdown of a key Atlantic Ocean current system that today once again is slowing. A new study of sediments from the…
Climate Panel Disbanded by Trump, Now Regrouped, Releases Report
The report details how to translate climate science into local action.
Hurricane Maria Study Warns: Climate-Driven Storms May Raze Many Tropical Forests
Biodiversity could suffer as result, and more carbon could be added to the atmosphere.
Changes in Ocean ‘Conveyor Belt’ Foretold Abrupt Climate Changes by Four Centuries
Led by Lamont-Doherty researchers, a new study is the first to measure the time lags between changing ocean currents and major climate shifts.
New York City Panel on Climate Change Releases 2019 Report
The report lays out how climate change is already affecting New York City, and what’s needed to adapt for the future.
Mining Pollution Limits Access to Clean Water in Papua New Guinea
A new report documents the social, environmental, economic, and health impacts of gold mining in Porgera, Papua New Guinea.
It’s Raining on the Greenland Ice. In the Winter.
Rainy weather is becoming increasingly common over parts of the Greenland ice sheet, triggering sudden melting events that are eating at the ice and priming the surface for more widespread future melting, says a new study.
Scientists Track Deep History of Planets’ Motions, and Effects on Earth’s Climate
Scientists are developing a geologic record of how other planets have influenced the orbit of Earth, and thus its climate, over the last 200 million-plus years.