Coronavirus Response Shows the World Is Not Ready for Climate-Induced Pandemics
The outbreak in China shows we still have a lot to learn when it comes to dealing with global pandemics, which are expected to increase due to climate change.
Help Accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals: Vote for Your Favorite Project
110 projects from around the world offer local solutions for a more sustainable planet.
The Politics and Cost of Adapting to Climate Change in New York City
It’s not clear what might place climate adaptation on our national agenda, but it’s less costly to anticipate and avoid disaster than recover from it.
Moving Toward Sustainable Energy in New York City
It is the leadership that we are seeing from New York’s government and institutions today that will help ensure that the cost structure of New York City’s energy will be able to compete with enlightened cities around the globe.
13 Proposals to Boost Resilience in Vieques, Puerto Rico
Working closely with Vieques residents, graduate students designed solutions to help the tiny island recover after Hurricane Maria and weather future storms. Their proposals are published in a new report.
Columbia Students and Locals Team Up to Build Resilience in Johnstown, PA
Workshop shows how climate adaptation could be linked with economic revitalization in the nation’s so-called “Rust Belt.”
Q&A With Sustainable Cities Expert Jitendra Bajpai
The engineer and urban transport planner teaches a course on sustainable cities for the M.S. in Sustainability Management program.
Rising Seas Threaten Low-Lying Coastal Cities, 10% of World Population
In a new report, CIESIN researchers help to identify urban populations at risk from sea level rise. Their updated data set is meant to inform adaptation strategies.
Hurricane Sandy May Have Worsened Gentrification in Brooklyn and Queens
A study finds evidence for land speculation in Coney Island and the Rockaways, in some of the neighborhoods hardest-hit by the storm.