Opinion: For Solar Power to Go Global, We Must Consider Relaxing Intellectual Property Rights
Developing countries are being left behind in the solar power revolution. To achieve global decarbonization, we need to revise the rules of global trade.
The Arrival of Mandatory Corporate Sustainability Reporting
Standardized sustainability metrics are a crucial step in realizing the vision of sustainability management.
Protecting Workers as We Shift to Electric Vehicles
A fair labor agreement needs to protect against layoffs, provide resources for training workers on the use of new technologies, and include some form of profit-sharing.
New York City’s Resilience and Post-COVID Recovery
New York City has its problems, but the energy, work ethic, brainpower, and sheer determination of the people who live here always ensure its revival.
The Montana Climate Case and Our Obligation to the Future
Held v. Montana is a landmark case because—despite its limited practical applications—it is an indication of a paradigm shift.
Predicting The Pace of the Transition to Environmental Sustainability
The size of the human population, the political demands globally for increased material consumption, and the finite resources we still draw from the earth will drive the transition to environmental sustainability.
Technology, Culture, Economics, and Politics
Technological change has been the largest stimulator of rapid cultural change over the past two centuries and will continue to be the major cause of social, economic, and political change.
New Technology Will Determine the Pace of Decarbonization
While the technology we need to complete the transition to renewable energy is not yet here, the pace of technological innovation is accelerating.