State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School


  • Dust May Beat Black Carbon at Speeding Up Snowmelt in the Himalayas

    Dust May Beat Black Carbon at Speeding Up Snowmelt in the Himalayas

    Tiny dust particles at high altitudes are having a greater effect on snow-darkening than previously thought, accelerating the loss of glaciers.

  • Have We Crossed the 9 Planetary Boundaries?

    Have We Crossed the 9 Planetary Boundaries?

    “The world needs to awaken itself to the looming catastrophe of global warming,” said Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute, at a recent meeting in Muscat. “We must provide a safe operating space where vested interest and lobby-driven policies will not see the world marching into disaster.”

  • Dust May Beat Black Carbon at Speeding Up Snowmelt in the Himalayas

    Dust May Beat Black Carbon at Speeding Up Snowmelt in the Himalayas

    Tiny dust particles at high altitudes are having a greater effect on snow-darkening than previously thought, accelerating the loss of glaciers.

  • Have We Crossed the 9 Planetary Boundaries?

    Have We Crossed the 9 Planetary Boundaries?

    “The world needs to awaken itself to the looming catastrophe of global warming,” said Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute, at a recent meeting in Muscat. “We must provide a safe operating space where vested interest and lobby-driven policies will not see the world marching into disaster.”