State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School


  • Q&A: Climate Information for Food Systems

    Q&A: Climate Information for Food Systems

    Scientists at the International Research Institute for Climate and Society are studying how much climate plays a role in the global food supply, identifying food system vulnerabilities in specific areas, using new kinds of climate information in agricultural modeling, and more.

  • Q&A: Using Farmers’ Perceptions as Data

    Q&A: Using Farmers’ Perceptions as Data

    Researchers at IRI have been developing index insurance, which would provide a safety net for farmers who experience devastating climate events such as droughts and floods that severely impact their crop yields.

  • The Latest in Subseasonal Climate Prediction

    The Latest in Subseasonal Climate Prediction

    Until recently, predicting rainfall and temperature at the subseasonal timescale (i.e. between two weeks and three months) was considered impossible. That’s beginning to change.

  • Lessening the Impacts of Climate Shocks to Agriculture

    Lessening the Impacts of Climate Shocks to Agriculture

    In this video, IRI’s Lisa Goddard discusses index insurance and forecast-based financing as tools to reduce climate impacts in vulnerable communities.

  • Q&A: Climate Information for Food Systems

    Q&A: Climate Information for Food Systems

    Scientists at the International Research Institute for Climate and Society are studying how much climate plays a role in the global food supply, identifying food system vulnerabilities in specific areas, using new kinds of climate information in agricultural modeling, and more.

  • Q&A: Using Farmers’ Perceptions as Data

    Q&A: Using Farmers’ Perceptions as Data

    Researchers at IRI have been developing index insurance, which would provide a safety net for farmers who experience devastating climate events such as droughts and floods that severely impact their crop yields.

  • The Latest in Subseasonal Climate Prediction

    The Latest in Subseasonal Climate Prediction

    Until recently, predicting rainfall and temperature at the subseasonal timescale (i.e. between two weeks and three months) was considered impossible. That’s beginning to change.

  • Lessening the Impacts of Climate Shocks to Agriculture

    Lessening the Impacts of Climate Shocks to Agriculture

    In this video, IRI’s Lisa Goddard discusses index insurance and forecast-based financing as tools to reduce climate impacts in vulnerable communities.