State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School


  • Synthetic Biology: Creating New Forms of Life

    Synthetic Biology: Creating New Forms of Life

    When leading genomic scientist, J. Craig Venter announced in May 2010 that he’d created the first self-replicating organism with a totally synthetic genome (the genetic material of an organism), it was the first time many people had heard of synthetic biology. Venter did not actually create a synthetic living organism—rather his research team created a…

  • Synthetic Biology: Creating New Forms of Life

    Synthetic Biology: Creating New Forms of Life

    When leading genomic scientist, J. Craig Venter announced in May 2010 that he’d created the first self-replicating organism with a totally synthetic genome (the genetic material of an organism), it was the first time many people had heard of synthetic biology. Venter did not actually create a synthetic living organism—rather his research team created a…