State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School


  • Renewable Energy: What’s True, What’s False

    Renewable Energy: What’s True, What’s False

    A short, handy new guide from the Earth Institute cuts through the noise about renewable energy to lay out the facts about this politically charged subject.

  • Forging a New Frontier in Climate, Food, and Nutrition

    Forging a New Frontier in Climate, Food, and Nutrition

    A panel discussion and book launch event outline how better communication can help to bridge the research divide between climate and health.

  • New Book: Climate Information for Public Health Action

    New Book: Climate Information for Public Health Action

    A new textbook edited and written by researchers across Columbia gives the health community a primer on why, when and how climate information can and should be incorporated into health research, policy and practice.

  • 6 Ways America Can Get Back on Track with the UN Sustainable Development Goals

    6 Ways America Can Get Back on Track with the UN Sustainable Development Goals

    And why our lives depend on it; an excerpt from professor Jeffrey Sachs’ new book, A New Foreign Policy.

  • Cities Are Key to a Sustainable Future

    Cities Are Key to a Sustainable Future

    Get a sneak peek at the major takeaways from The Sustainable City, the latest book by Earth Institute executive director Steve Cohen. Available now from Columbia University Press.

  • Cities at a Turning Point

    Scientists warn that many cities around the world may soon face big climate-change challenges: rising seas; shrinking water supplies; killer summer heat waves; rises in water-borne diseases as temperatures go up and sewers are swamped. No one is predicting that, say, London or Miami will simply drop beneath the waves–but these and other cities will probably have to be redesigned if…

  • Renewable Energy: What’s True, What’s False

    Renewable Energy: What’s True, What’s False

    A short, handy new guide from the Earth Institute cuts through the noise about renewable energy to lay out the facts about this politically charged subject.

  • Forging a New Frontier in Climate, Food, and Nutrition

    Forging a New Frontier in Climate, Food, and Nutrition

    A panel discussion and book launch event outline how better communication can help to bridge the research divide between climate and health.

  • New Book: Climate Information for Public Health Action

    New Book: Climate Information for Public Health Action

    A new textbook edited and written by researchers across Columbia gives the health community a primer on why, when and how climate information can and should be incorporated into health research, policy and practice.

  • 6 Ways America Can Get Back on Track with the UN Sustainable Development Goals

    6 Ways America Can Get Back on Track with the UN Sustainable Development Goals

    And why our lives depend on it; an excerpt from professor Jeffrey Sachs’ new book, A New Foreign Policy.

  • Cities Are Key to a Sustainable Future

    Cities Are Key to a Sustainable Future

    Get a sneak peek at the major takeaways from The Sustainable City, the latest book by Earth Institute executive director Steve Cohen. Available now from Columbia University Press.

  • Cities at a Turning Point

    Scientists warn that many cities around the world may soon face big climate-change challenges: rising seas; shrinking water supplies; killer summer heat waves; rises in water-borne diseases as temperatures go up and sewers are swamped. No one is predicting that, say, London or Miami will simply drop beneath the waves–but these and other cities will probably have to be redesigned if…