Cape Verde islands
Photo Essay: Rising Islands, Monster Wave
Researchers at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory have published a new study showing that a tsunami of unimaginable size swept over the Cape Verde Islands some 73,000 years ago. The discovery may have implications for the potential for modern hazards. READ THE FULL SCIENTIFIC STORY
Signs Of Ancient Megatsunami Could Portend Modern Hazard
Evidence of an 800-Foot Wave in the Cape Verde Islands
Photo Essay: Sleeping Giant off West Africa Awakes
Nearly 20 years after its last eruption, in 1995, Fogo volcano off West Africa awoke on Nov. 26. Within a week, it had buried two villages under scorching lava, leaving 1,200 people homeless. Lamont-Doherty geologist Ricardo Ramalho was there to document the action and help advise local government.