State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Cape Verde islands

  • Photo Essay: Rising Islands, Monster Wave

    Photo Essay: Rising Islands, Monster Wave

    Researchers at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory have published a new study showing that a tsunami of unimaginable size swept over the Cape Verde Islands some 73,000 years ago. The discovery may have implications for the potential for modern hazards.  READ THE FULL SCIENTIFIC STORY

  • Signs Of Ancient Megatsunami Could Portend Modern Hazard

    Evidence of an 800-Foot Wave in the Cape Verde Islands

  • Photo Essay: Sleeping Giant off West Africa Awakes

    Photo Essay: Sleeping Giant off West Africa Awakes

    Nearly 20 years after its last eruption, in 1995, Fogo volcano off West Africa awoke on Nov. 26. Within a week, it had buried two villages under scorching lava, leaving 1,200 people homeless. Lamont-Doherty geologist Ricardo Ramalho was there to document the action and help advise local government.

  • Photo Essay: Rising Islands, Monster Wave

    Photo Essay: Rising Islands, Monster Wave

    Researchers at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory have published a new study showing that a tsunami of unimaginable size swept over the Cape Verde Islands some 73,000 years ago. The discovery may have implications for the potential for modern hazards.  READ THE FULL SCIENTIFIC STORY

  • Signs Of Ancient Megatsunami Could Portend Modern Hazard

    Evidence of an 800-Foot Wave in the Cape Verde Islands

  • Photo Essay: Sleeping Giant off West Africa Awakes

    Photo Essay: Sleeping Giant off West Africa Awakes

    Nearly 20 years after its last eruption, in 1995, Fogo volcano off West Africa awoke on Nov. 26. Within a week, it had buried two villages under scorching lava, leaving 1,200 people homeless. Lamont-Doherty geologist Ricardo Ramalho was there to document the action and help advise local government.