carbon capture5
Carbon Capture, Policy Change, and My First Assignment
Lecture on UK Policy of Carbon Capture Storage with Dr. Tim Fox of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers is happening on February 2, 2011 at 4:00pm in Alfred Lerner Hall, Room 555. This event is free and open to the public with light refreshments.
University Joins ‘Synthetic Tree’ Venture
Devices Would Pull Carbon From Air
Scientists Target East Coast Rocks For CO2 Storage
Power Plants Might Pipe Emissions Under Seabed
Scientists Visit Carbon Capture and Sequestration Site in Iceland
Reducing carbon dioxide emissions while meeting the world’s ever increasing energy needs is one of the greatest challenges of this century. Scientists, researchers and students at the Earth Institute, Columbia University, with the enduring support of donors like Gerry and Marguerite Lenfest, who helped establish the Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy, are developing novel approaches…
Wallace Broecker Wins (Yet Another) Top Prize
Climate Scientist Who Sounded Early Warnings Is Still At Work
Earth Institute at the American Geophysical Union
Earth Institute scientists are presenting scores of talks at the world’s largest gathering of earth scientists, the fall 2008 meeting of the American Geophysical Union. Subjects include unseen natural hazards, changing climate, and how mankind will deal with these challenges. Most researchers at AGU come from two of the Earth Institute’s largest centers: Lamont-Doherty Earth…
Rocks Could Be Harnessed to Sponge Vast Amounts of Carbon Dioxide from Air, Say Researchers
Proposed Method Would Speed Natural Reactions a Million Times
Undersea Volcanic Rocks May Offer Vast Repository for Greenhouse Gas
Drilling, experiments, target huge formations off West Coast