State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Certificate in Sustainability Analytics

  • Our Economy Depends on Earth Observation and Scientific Research

    Our Economy Depends on Earth Observation and Scientific Research

    If we are to continue to grow our economy without destroying the planet’s basic systems that sustain human life, we need to learn a great deal more about our planet and the impact of human activities on natural systems.

  • Women Leaders Tackle the Urban Climate Challenge

    Women Leaders Tackle the Urban Climate Challenge

    Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of Paris, will join dozens of other leaders in government, business and the non-profit world at the Women4Climate conference at Columbia University on March 15.

  • Sustainability Programs: Application Deadline Extension to November 15

    Sustainability Programs: Application Deadline Extension to November 15

    Due to the impact of Hurricane Sandy, we have decided to extend the application deadline for the M.S. Sustainability Management and Certification in Sustainability Analytics programs to Thursday, November 15.

  • Sustainable Solutions for the Brooklyn Navy Yard

    Sustainable Solutions for the Brooklyn Navy Yard

    On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, October 5-7, M.S. in Sustainability Management students in Professor Lynnette Widder’s SUMA K4162: Responsibility and Resilience in the Built Environment ventured across the East River to complete an interdisciplinary workshop at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. The workshop was organized by Professor Widder in collaboration with the Departments of Architecture of…

  • Learn About Programs in Sustainability Management and Analytics

    Learn About Programs in Sustainability Management and Analytics

    We invite you to come and learn more about Master of Science in Sustainability Management and the Certification of Professional Achievement in Sustainability Analytics programs by joining us at these events. All events are open to the public and free of charge. The deadline to apply for both programs for Spring 2013 enrollment is November…

  • Our Economy Depends on Earth Observation and Scientific Research

    Our Economy Depends on Earth Observation and Scientific Research

    If we are to continue to grow our economy without destroying the planet’s basic systems that sustain human life, we need to learn a great deal more about our planet and the impact of human activities on natural systems.

  • Women Leaders Tackle the Urban Climate Challenge

    Women Leaders Tackle the Urban Climate Challenge

    Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of Paris, will join dozens of other leaders in government, business and the non-profit world at the Women4Climate conference at Columbia University on March 15.

  • Sustainability Programs: Application Deadline Extension to November 15

    Sustainability Programs: Application Deadline Extension to November 15

    Due to the impact of Hurricane Sandy, we have decided to extend the application deadline for the M.S. Sustainability Management and Certification in Sustainability Analytics programs to Thursday, November 15.

  • Sustainable Solutions for the Brooklyn Navy Yard

    Sustainable Solutions for the Brooklyn Navy Yard

    On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, October 5-7, M.S. in Sustainability Management students in Professor Lynnette Widder’s SUMA K4162: Responsibility and Resilience in the Built Environment ventured across the East River to complete an interdisciplinary workshop at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. The workshop was organized by Professor Widder in collaboration with the Departments of Architecture of…

  • Learn About Programs in Sustainability Management and Analytics

    Learn About Programs in Sustainability Management and Analytics

    We invite you to come and learn more about Master of Science in Sustainability Management and the Certification of Professional Achievement in Sustainability Analytics programs by joining us at these events. All events are open to the public and free of charge. The deadline to apply for both programs for Spring 2013 enrollment is November…