Sabin Center Releases Report Providing Legal Tools for U.S. Cities to Act on Climate Change
Cities Climate Law can help local governments move from pledges to action by demystifying the legal context in which they develop climate policy.
The Wall and Trump’s Anti-Immigration Policy Folly
The wall, growing limits on visas, children separated from their parents and the Muslim ban are all examples of Trump’s immigration policy folly.
Promoting but Regulating Electric Bikes in New York City
We need to be as creative in regulating new technologies and business models as the people who are making and selling these products and services.
Public Space and the Sustainable City
As our planet becomes more urban, the importance of parks and other public spaces becomes magnified.
Moving Towards 100% Renewable Energy: Drivers Behind City Policies and Pledges
As the United States federal government retreats from energy innovation and environmental regulation, local and regional efforts across the U.S. are scaling up.
The Transition to the Sustainable City, Here in New York
We have an opportunity to build an exciting, dynamic and transformative model sustainable city.
California’s Misguided Attempt to Force Urban Density
Government should encourage urban living by making it more affordable and attractive, and provide incentives for density; it should not try to mandate it.
Main Streets, Malls, and Sustainable Consumption
As new technologies continue to change consumption patterns, land use and social norms, we have an opportunity to ensure these changes result in an exciting sustainable lifestyle in a new type of sustainable city.
Columbia Climate School has once again been selected as university partner for Climate Week NYC, an annual convening of climate leaders to drive the transition, speed up progress and champion change. Join us for events and follow our coverage.