State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Clean Power Plan

  • 6 Important Points About the ‘Affordable Clean Energy Rule’

    6 Important Points About the ‘Affordable Clean Energy Rule’

    The EPA’s proposed “Affordable Clean Energy Rule” could cost U.S. citizens of billions of dollars. And that’s not all.

  • Former Head of EPA Looks to Businesses, Courts, and Citizens to Fight Climate Change

    Former Head of EPA Looks to Businesses, Courts, and Citizens to Fight Climate Change

    In a lecture at Columbia Law School, Gina McCarthy sharply critiqued the Trump administration’s environmental policies, but offered hope that grassroots movements and other branches of government can make a difference.

  • Climate Change Under Trump:    A Q&A with Michael Gerrard

    Climate Change Under Trump: A Q&A with Michael Gerrard

    For those who favor strong action on climate change, the election of Donald Trump is creating plenty of anxiety and concern. Will Trump set our efforts to curb climate change back? How can those who are concerned about climate change best fight back?

  • Trump vs. Clinton: What the Election Could Mean for Climate Policy

    Trump vs. Clinton: What the Election Could Mean for Climate Policy

    The outcome of this year’s presidential election could have far-reaching implications for the fate of our planet because the two presumptive candidates, Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump, have very different ideas about climate change. What will they do about the Paris accord and climate change?

  • Federal Environmental Policy Can’t Find the 21st Century

    The issue comes down to willingness to pay upfront for improved systems, rather than pay to address environmental emergencies later on, when pieces of the system fall apart. Both water and energy systems carry user charges, but weak, ideologically-bound politicians refuse to allow these fees to grow to pay the capital cost of modern infrastructure.

  • Court Ruling on Clean Power Plan a Setback, But…

    Court Ruling on Clean Power Plan a Setback, But…

    The Supreme Court’s decision Tuesday to postpone implementation of the Clean Power Plan represents a setback for efforts to combat climate change; but the damage to the U.S. ability to meet pledges it made at the Paris climate summit in December “is less than it might seem,” says Michael Gerrard.

  • The Clean Power Plan Overcomes Another Attack

    The politics of climate change remains contentious, with Democrats more concerned about the issue than Republicans. What is most interesting about the polling data is that young people are far more concerned about climate change than older people.

  • What is the U.S. Commitment in Paris?

    What is the U.S. Commitment in Paris?

    The United States has joined 185 countries in promising to curb carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions, develop other ways to mitigate the impacts and to make communities more resilient to climate change. So what exactly is the United States proposing to do?

  • Symbolic Politics, the Keystone Pipeline, and Climate Policy in the Real World

    The Clean Power Plan, the renewable energy tax credit, and state and local sustainability initiatives may not have the glamor of climate conferences in Paris or the media currency of the fight over the Keystone XL Pipeline, but they are the real, operational policies and programs that actually reduce fossil fuel use and speed the…

  • 6 Important Points About the ‘Affordable Clean Energy Rule’

    6 Important Points About the ‘Affordable Clean Energy Rule’

    The EPA’s proposed “Affordable Clean Energy Rule” could cost U.S. citizens of billions of dollars. And that’s not all.

  • Former Head of EPA Looks to Businesses, Courts, and Citizens to Fight Climate Change

    Former Head of EPA Looks to Businesses, Courts, and Citizens to Fight Climate Change

    In a lecture at Columbia Law School, Gina McCarthy sharply critiqued the Trump administration’s environmental policies, but offered hope that grassroots movements and other branches of government can make a difference.

  • Climate Change Under Trump:    A Q&A with Michael Gerrard

    Climate Change Under Trump: A Q&A with Michael Gerrard

    For those who favor strong action on climate change, the election of Donald Trump is creating plenty of anxiety and concern. Will Trump set our efforts to curb climate change back? How can those who are concerned about climate change best fight back?

  • Trump vs. Clinton: What the Election Could Mean for Climate Policy

    Trump vs. Clinton: What the Election Could Mean for Climate Policy

    The outcome of this year’s presidential election could have far-reaching implications for the fate of our planet because the two presumptive candidates, Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump, have very different ideas about climate change. What will they do about the Paris accord and climate change?

  • Federal Environmental Policy Can’t Find the 21st Century

    The issue comes down to willingness to pay upfront for improved systems, rather than pay to address environmental emergencies later on, when pieces of the system fall apart. Both water and energy systems carry user charges, but weak, ideologically-bound politicians refuse to allow these fees to grow to pay the capital cost of modern infrastructure.

  • Court Ruling on Clean Power Plan a Setback, But…

    Court Ruling on Clean Power Plan a Setback, But…

    The Supreme Court’s decision Tuesday to postpone implementation of the Clean Power Plan represents a setback for efforts to combat climate change; but the damage to the U.S. ability to meet pledges it made at the Paris climate summit in December “is less than it might seem,” says Michael Gerrard.

  • The Clean Power Plan Overcomes Another Attack

    The politics of climate change remains contentious, with Democrats more concerned about the issue than Republicans. What is most interesting about the polling data is that young people are far more concerned about climate change than older people.

  • What is the U.S. Commitment in Paris?

    What is the U.S. Commitment in Paris?

    The United States has joined 185 countries in promising to curb carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions, develop other ways to mitigate the impacts and to make communities more resilient to climate change. So what exactly is the United States proposing to do?

  • Symbolic Politics, the Keystone Pipeline, and Climate Policy in the Real World

    The Clean Power Plan, the renewable energy tax credit, and state and local sustainability initiatives may not have the glamor of climate conferences in Paris or the media currency of the fight over the Keystone XL Pipeline, but they are the real, operational policies and programs that actually reduce fossil fuel use and speed the…