State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

climate and security

  • Framing the Climate Crisis as a Terrorism Issue Could Galvanize Action

    Framing the Climate Crisis as a Terrorism Issue Could Galvanize Action

    A student argues that underlining global warming’s threats to national security could increase the sense of urgency and free up funding to take action.

  • New Program Will Tackle Public Health Threats Around the Globe

    New Program Will Tackle Public Health Threats Around the Globe

    From pandemics to food crises and climate-related disasters, Columbia’s new Global Health Security and Diplomacy program will help prevent, detect, and respond to a wide range of problems.

  • An Admiral Assesses Climate Change

    An Admiral Assesses Climate Change

    Columbia University’s Initiative on Extreme Weather and Climate hosted its biggest seminar to date. David Titley presented a talk entitled Climate Risk and National Security: People not Polar Bears. Titley, a retired U.S. rear admiral and now a professor of meteorology at Pennsylvania State University, brought humor to a serious topic and how it affects…

  • Framing the Climate Crisis as a Terrorism Issue Could Galvanize Action

    Framing the Climate Crisis as a Terrorism Issue Could Galvanize Action

    A student argues that underlining global warming’s threats to national security could increase the sense of urgency and free up funding to take action.

  • New Program Will Tackle Public Health Threats Around the Globe

    New Program Will Tackle Public Health Threats Around the Globe

    From pandemics to food crises and climate-related disasters, Columbia’s new Global Health Security and Diplomacy program will help prevent, detect, and respond to a wide range of problems.

  • An Admiral Assesses Climate Change

    An Admiral Assesses Climate Change

    Columbia University’s Initiative on Extreme Weather and Climate hosted its biggest seminar to date. David Titley presented a talk entitled Climate Risk and National Security: People not Polar Bears. Titley, a retired U.S. rear admiral and now a professor of meteorology at Pennsylvania State University, brought humor to a serious topic and how it affects…