State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School


  • Environmental Sustainability and Consumption

    Environmental Sustainability and Consumption

    The best way to achieve environmental sustainability is to develop a circular economy with services and products that have the least possible impact on the environment. Attacking consumption is futile and a waste of effort.

  • How Buying Stuff Drives Climate Change

    How Buying Stuff Drives Climate Change

    Consumerism causes a large chunk of our carbon emissions. Here are a few ideas for healthier habits during the holidays and beyond.

  • Climate Change and Economic Consumption

    Climate Change and Economic Consumption

    Climate change requires nothing less than transforming the nature of economic production and consumption: Not to consume less, but to consume without destroying the planet that sustains us.

  • The Sharing Economy is Transforming Sustainability

    The Sharing Economy is Transforming Sustainability

    During a talk on Wednesday, panelists discussed the benefits and challenges of this emerging industry.

  • Environmental Sustainability and Consumption

    Environmental Sustainability and Consumption

    The best way to achieve environmental sustainability is to develop a circular economy with services and products that have the least possible impact on the environment. Attacking consumption is futile and a waste of effort.

  • How Buying Stuff Drives Climate Change

    How Buying Stuff Drives Climate Change

    Consumerism causes a large chunk of our carbon emissions. Here are a few ideas for healthier habits during the holidays and beyond.

  • Climate Change and Economic Consumption

    Climate Change and Economic Consumption

    Climate change requires nothing less than transforming the nature of economic production and consumption: Not to consume less, but to consume without destroying the planet that sustains us.

  • The Sharing Economy is Transforming Sustainability

    The Sharing Economy is Transforming Sustainability

    During a talk on Wednesday, panelists discussed the benefits and challenges of this emerging industry.