Earth Institute Fellows2
NatureNet Science Fellowship Now Accepting Applications for 2019
Apply for NatureNet Science Fellowships at Columbia University by September 7, 2018.
How Will People Move as Climate Changes?
A new model estimates how many climate migrants there will be, where they are likely to go, and what effects they might have on the places to which they move.
Research Symposium Shows the Diverse Expertise of Earth Institute Postdoctoral Fellows
The Spring Postdoctoral Fellowship Symposium highlights interdisciplinary work of current research fellows at the Earth Institute.
The Rise of Cities in the Battle Against Climate Change
Last week, Canada hosted the world’s first climate change summit for urban leaders. It looks like it will have a lasting impact on how we think about and take action on climate change.
Tracking Respiratory Infections in NYC, With or Without Symptoms
There’s a lot we don’t know about respiratory viruses and how they spread. A study currently underway seeks to unravel these mysteries, in part by studying people who are healthy enough to be walking around in Manhattan.
Inside the Lives of Anti-Poaching Staff at an Indian Wildlife Sanctuary
Earth Institute postdoc Nandini Velho writes about two wildlife workers who made a documentary about the Pakke Tiger Reserve and the people who protect it.
Time is Running Out to Apply to the Earth Institute Postdoctoral Research Program
If you’re a postdoc interested in sustainable development, apply by October 31.
Forging Partnerships for Resilient, Low-Carbon Electricity Systems
As cities begin to rebuild infrastructure ravaged by hurricanes, now is the time to adopt climate-resilient energy systems. Innovative collaborations between public and private stakeholders can help.
Earth Institute Postdoctoral Research Program Now Accepting Applications for 2018
Doctoral candidates or recent grads interested in researching food security, energy, climate, poverty, disease and/or environmental problems have until 10/31 to apply.