eco matters10
Fresh Evidence of Life on Mars?
In a landscape shaped by wind and water, is it possible that microbial life was found on Mars in 1976? A new paper indicates life may be present, and a new mission to Mars may confirm the results.
Profile on TA for Ecosystem Experiences in Jordan
As students pack and prepare for, and ponder the exciting adventures that lie ahead in, the 2012 Summer Ecosystem Experiences for Undergraduates Program (SEE-U), Natalia Rossi, the Teaching Assistant for the Jordan field site, shares her enthusiasm for research, education, and conservation.
Students. Saturday. Science?
It’s a Saturday morning, and most kids between the ages of 12 and 14 are sleeping in, off to rehearsals or sports team practice, or grudgingly helping with household chores. At Columbia University, a group of middle-school students are eagerly engaging in the scientific method.
From Brazil to Jordan: Columbia Undergrads Learn about SEE-U’s Summer Fieldwork Programs
Undergraduate students learn about summer field opportunities in Jordan, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico offered through the Summer Ecosystems Experience for Undergraduate (SEE-U) program at Columbia.
The Little Things and Their Influence on Planet Earth
In the last century we have witnessed incredible environmental leaps in our understanding of planet Earth. With a focus on integrated, systems thinking we invite you to register for an interactive online webinar that explores the relations that living organisms have with respect to each other and their natural environment.
Upcoming Certificate Course: The Sustainable City
More than half of the world’s population now lives in urban settings, making sustainable urban management a critical concern. This course introduces you to the fundamentals of urban environmental management and sustainability with a special focus on New York City.
Spring Sprang Early: Should We Worry?
While studies do show that flowers and other plants are blooming earlier on average because of warming trends, this year’s early fireworks were “certainly well within the realm of experience for the species native to this area,” says Robert Naczi of the New York Botanical Garden.