State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

eco matters15

  • Ecosystem Services for Conservation

    Ecosystem Services for Conservation

    Register for Ecosystem Services for Conservation and Poverty Reduction.

  • Evolutionary Psychology of Climate Change

    Evolutionary Psychology of Climate Change

    Why haven’t we rallied our collective power to mitigate climate change? Daniel Gilbert, a professor of psychology at Harvard University, argues that human brains evolved to respond to threats that have four features, ones that global warming lack.

  • New Executive Courses in Conservation, Sustainability

    New Executive Courses in Conservation, Sustainability

    The Center for Environmental Research and Conservation at Columbia University provides professionals with the knowledge and tools to be effective environmental leaders and decision makers in the 21st century. It is an evening program in which environmental issues are discussed, debated and examined, where participants develop an in-depth understanding of conservation science and practice through…

  • Summer Ecosystem Experience for Undergraduates

    Summer Ecosystem Experience for Undergraduates

    CERC is now accepting applications for the Summer Ecosystem Experiences for Undergraduates.

  • Crash Land Home for the Holidays

    Crash Land Home for the Holidays

    As holidays approach and we plan our ‘seasonal’ migrations to see our families, many other species are making their own migrations — though with a few more snafus than we humans might hit.

  • The Shock of the New

    The Shock of the New

    During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, a host of naturalist-explorers traveled around the globe in a quest to identify new species. We interview science writer Richard Conniff, who evokes this grand age of discovery in The Species Seekers: Heroes, Fools, and the Mad Pursuit of Life on Earth, just released in paperback.

  • A Chat With Shahid Naeem, CERC’s Director of Science

    A Chat With Shahid Naeem, CERC’s Director of Science

    In candid conversation, wrought with his usual humor and wit, Dr. Shahid Naeem, CERC’s Director of Science, discusses topics ranging from the critical role of life on Earth and trends in sustainability to Taylor Swift, his own personal “Science Hall of Fame” and being called a tree-hugger.

  • Climate Change On The Street

    Climate Change On The Street

    Two students in CERC’s Executive Education Program explore public perceptions of climate change and science communication.

  • Glow in the Dark Creepy Crawlers

    Glow in the Dark Creepy Crawlers

    Deep in the ocean, in the absence of penetrable sunlight, nature produces a spectacular light show. The glowing orbs seemingly dance in the night, uniting to form an awe-inspiring rainbow of greens, blues, and yellows. To cope with darkness, we turn on a flashlight or light a candle; deep-sea marine life evolved their own strategy:…

  • Ecosystem Services for Conservation

    Ecosystem Services for Conservation

    Register for Ecosystem Services for Conservation and Poverty Reduction.

  • Evolutionary Psychology of Climate Change

    Evolutionary Psychology of Climate Change

    Why haven’t we rallied our collective power to mitigate climate change? Daniel Gilbert, a professor of psychology at Harvard University, argues that human brains evolved to respond to threats that have four features, ones that global warming lack.

  • New Executive Courses in Conservation, Sustainability

    New Executive Courses in Conservation, Sustainability

    The Center for Environmental Research and Conservation at Columbia University provides professionals with the knowledge and tools to be effective environmental leaders and decision makers in the 21st century. It is an evening program in which environmental issues are discussed, debated and examined, where participants develop an in-depth understanding of conservation science and practice through…

  • Summer Ecosystem Experience for Undergraduates

    Summer Ecosystem Experience for Undergraduates

    CERC is now accepting applications for the Summer Ecosystem Experiences for Undergraduates.

  • Crash Land Home for the Holidays

    Crash Land Home for the Holidays

    As holidays approach and we plan our ‘seasonal’ migrations to see our families, many other species are making their own migrations — though with a few more snafus than we humans might hit.

  • The Shock of the New

    The Shock of the New

    During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, a host of naturalist-explorers traveled around the globe in a quest to identify new species. We interview science writer Richard Conniff, who evokes this grand age of discovery in The Species Seekers: Heroes, Fools, and the Mad Pursuit of Life on Earth, just released in paperback.

  • A Chat With Shahid Naeem, CERC’s Director of Science

    A Chat With Shahid Naeem, CERC’s Director of Science

    In candid conversation, wrought with his usual humor and wit, Dr. Shahid Naeem, CERC’s Director of Science, discusses topics ranging from the critical role of life on Earth and trends in sustainability to Taylor Swift, his own personal “Science Hall of Fame” and being called a tree-hugger.

  • Climate Change On The Street

    Climate Change On The Street

    Two students in CERC’s Executive Education Program explore public perceptions of climate change and science communication.

  • Glow in the Dark Creepy Crawlers

    Glow in the Dark Creepy Crawlers

    Deep in the ocean, in the absence of penetrable sunlight, nature produces a spectacular light show. The glowing orbs seemingly dance in the night, uniting to form an awe-inspiring rainbow of greens, blues, and yellows. To cope with darkness, we turn on a flashlight or light a candle; deep-sea marine life evolved their own strategy:…