State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

economic growth

  • Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability

    Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability

    With enlightened design, sustainability management and cutting-edge technology we can harness human ingenuity to the practical problems of environmentally sustainable economic development.

  • Climate Change and Economic Consumption

    Climate Change and Economic Consumption

    Climate change requires nothing less than transforming the nature of economic production and consumption: Not to consume less, but to consume without destroying the planet that sustains us.

  • Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability

    Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability

    With enlightened design, sustainability management and cutting-edge technology we can harness human ingenuity to the practical problems of environmentally sustainable economic development.

  • Climate Change and Economic Consumption

    Climate Change and Economic Consumption

    Climate change requires nothing less than transforming the nature of economic production and consumption: Not to consume less, but to consume without destroying the planet that sustains us.