education news74
Faculty Profile: Benjamín Bostick
MPA in Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) professor Benjamín Bostick began his Columbia career as a researcher at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, specializing in geochemistry. His research centers on the coupled biogeochemical cycling of carbon, iron, and sulfur. He now teaches the Environmental Chemistry course in the ESP program, where he examines the delicate balance…
ESP Alum Employs Program Skills in Environmental Finance Work
Having had past professional experience working for the sustainability group of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in London and New York City, MPA in Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) alum John Battaglia (’08) joined the program in the summer of 2007 hoping to land a role in environmental finance after graduation. Currently, John is the Vice President of…
The Environment as a Tool for Peace in the Middle East
Understanding the Middle East conflict is not an easy task, and adding an environmental component to the puzzle doesn’t make it any easier. Students in the Regional Environmental Sustainability in the Middle East program, having gone through 16 days of an 18-day trip to the region, now see clearly how complex the issues actually are.…
M.S. Students Propose Solution to Urban Food Waste
Four students have teamed up to create re:HARVEST, a food-sharing website and companion mobile application allowing users to notify each other when they have food available for pickup that would otherwise be wasted.
Red to Dead: Not As Simple As It Seems
The Dead Sea is shrinking as a result of mining for raw materials and the loss of fresh water inflow from the diversion of the Jordan River for drinking water by Syria, Israel and Jordan. This shrinkage is problematic for economic, environmental and cultural reasons for both Jordan and Israel, the two countries which share…
MPA in Environmental Science and Policy Welcomes the Class of 2014
On Tuesday, May 28, the MPA in Environmental Science and Policy program hosted an orientation day to welcome its twelfth cohort of students.
MS Graduate Aims to Create Sustainable Solutions through Biomimicry
Recent M.S. in Sustainability Management graduate Adiel Gavish (’13) thinks that we’ve all got something to learn from nature. As the vibrant Founder of BiomimicryNYC, the thirty-two year old is leading the charge to change the way that people design solutions through biomimicry – the science and ethos that studies designs and patterns in the…
Unpacking Preconceptions
After a late arrival in Amman, Jordan on Sunday night, students in the Regional Environmental Sustainability in the Middle East program hit the ground running on Monday morning. An orientation at the Columbia University Middle East Center was followed by presentations at the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature office.