State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Global Food Security Conference

  • How to Feed Everyone—and Protect the Environment

    How to Feed Everyone—and Protect the Environment

    More than 500 leaders in agricultural research and organizations from 67 countries came together for the 2nd International Conference on Global Food Security to discuss how we can achieve global food security while reconciling demands on the environment.

  • Scientists’ Conference to Address Global Food Security

    Scientists’ Conference to Address Global Food Security

    Columbia University is teaming up with Cornell University to co-host the second International Global Food Security Conference to bring together 500-plus scientists to investigate the behavioral, biophysical, economic, institutional, political, social and technological drivers of current and future global food security.

  • How to Feed Everyone—and Protect the Environment

    How to Feed Everyone—and Protect the Environment

    More than 500 leaders in agricultural research and organizations from 67 countries came together for the 2nd International Conference on Global Food Security to discuss how we can achieve global food security while reconciling demands on the environment.

  • Scientists’ Conference to Address Global Food Security

    Scientists’ Conference to Address Global Food Security

    Columbia University is teaming up with Cornell University to co-host the second International Global Food Security Conference to bring together 500-plus scientists to investigate the behavioral, biophysical, economic, institutional, political, social and technological drivers of current and future global food security.