State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

global sustainability2

  • CUriosity3: Intersection Between Arts and Sciences

    CUriosity3: Intersection Between Arts and Sciences

    Join instructors from our Executive Education Certificate Program in Conservation and Environmental Sustainability including Dr. Shahid Naeem, Dr. Matt Palmer, and Dr. Eric Sanderson. for a FREE public seminar program addressing the intersection between Arts and Science with the goal of initiating discussions and debate around the common ground of creative practice and scientific discovery.

  • Visit Ecosystems in Brazil, India, or Jordan This Summer

    Visit Ecosystems in Brazil, India, or Jordan This Summer

    Are you curious about environmental sustainability in a global context? Want to earn course credit while traveling the world this summer? Take advantage of The Summer Ecosystem Experiences for Undergraduates program (SEE-U) offered through The Earth Institute Center for Environmental Sustainability! Through summer field courses in Brazil, India, or Jordan, you will have the unique…

  • Sustainability Certification in Aquaculture: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is?

    Sustainability Certification in Aquaculture: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is?

    Should we certify aquaculture? A look at mounting challenges in the push for sustainable seafood.

  • For Tomorrow’s Leaders, a Tool Box for a Complex World

    For Tomorrow’s Leaders, a Tool Box for a Complex World

    How are the global leaders of tomorrow going to secure renewable sources of energy, solve the problems of water scarcity, and maintain our standard of living – all while improving health, ending poverty, and accommodating a growing population and changing environment? The World Economic Forum, with its commitment to “improving the state of the world,”…

  • Jeffrey Sachs Extends Term as Director of Earth Institute

    The Earth Institute, Columbia University announced that Professor Jeffrey Sachs has agreed to extend his term as its director. Since his tenure began in 2002, Sachs has led the Earth Institute to become a leading scientific authority on sustainable development while simultaneously expanding its reach worldwide. Through his guidance, the Earth Institute and its scientists…

  • Global Sustainability and the Class of 2009

    Here on Columbia University’s Morningside Heights campus, at around Broadway and West 116th street, the surest signs of spring are all of the preparations for graduation now underway. Groundskeepers are planting new shrubs, and bleacher seats and tents are being assembled everywhere. Working in a place like this is both a joy and a privilege–…

  • CUriosity3: Intersection Between Arts and Sciences

    CUriosity3: Intersection Between Arts and Sciences

    Join instructors from our Executive Education Certificate Program in Conservation and Environmental Sustainability including Dr. Shahid Naeem, Dr. Matt Palmer, and Dr. Eric Sanderson. for a FREE public seminar program addressing the intersection between Arts and Science with the goal of initiating discussions and debate around the common ground of creative practice and scientific discovery.

  • Visit Ecosystems in Brazil, India, or Jordan This Summer

    Visit Ecosystems in Brazil, India, or Jordan This Summer

    Are you curious about environmental sustainability in a global context? Want to earn course credit while traveling the world this summer? Take advantage of The Summer Ecosystem Experiences for Undergraduates program (SEE-U) offered through The Earth Institute Center for Environmental Sustainability! Through summer field courses in Brazil, India, or Jordan, you will have the unique…

  • Sustainability Certification in Aquaculture: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is?

    Sustainability Certification in Aquaculture: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is?

    Should we certify aquaculture? A look at mounting challenges in the push for sustainable seafood.

  • For Tomorrow’s Leaders, a Tool Box for a Complex World

    For Tomorrow’s Leaders, a Tool Box for a Complex World

    How are the global leaders of tomorrow going to secure renewable sources of energy, solve the problems of water scarcity, and maintain our standard of living – all while improving health, ending poverty, and accommodating a growing population and changing environment? The World Economic Forum, with its commitment to “improving the state of the world,”…

  • Jeffrey Sachs Extends Term as Director of Earth Institute

    The Earth Institute, Columbia University announced that Professor Jeffrey Sachs has agreed to extend his term as its director. Since his tenure began in 2002, Sachs has led the Earth Institute to become a leading scientific authority on sustainable development while simultaneously expanding its reach worldwide. Through his guidance, the Earth Institute and its scientists…

  • Global Sustainability and the Class of 2009

    Here on Columbia University’s Morningside Heights campus, at around Broadway and West 116th street, the surest signs of spring are all of the preparations for graduation now underway. Groundskeepers are planting new shrubs, and bleacher seats and tents are being assembled everywhere. Working in a place like this is both a joy and a privilege–…