State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School


  • Data Visualization: World Happiness Trends

    Data Visualization: World Happiness Trends

    Could the number of women in a nation’s government have an impact on its happiness? Can air quality effect the mood of a population? Do trains make people happier? Explore World Happiness Report data and trends that might also contribute to a country’s overall well-being.

  • Stepping Back From the Hatred in the Air

    Stepping Back From the Hatred in the Air

    The two alternative universes of red and blue America have far more in common than they seem to know. It is time to focus our attention beyond these differences and focus on the far greater areas of agreement.

  • Anti-Government Ideology and the Federal Government Shutdown

    Anti-Government Ideology and the Federal Government Shutdown

    Building infrastructure, providing emergency services, maintaining social safety nets, and ensuring public safety require an open and capable government.

  • The New House of Representatives Must Compel EPA to Enforce our Environmental Laws

    The New House of Representatives Must Compel EPA to Enforce our Environmental Laws

    We are at the end of two years witnessing the awful spectacle of an Environmental Protection Agency and Interior Department more interested in exploiting natural resources than protecting them. But starting today, the unified control of the national government by President Donald Trump and his enablers has ended.

  • Trump’s Dirty Power Plan

    Trump’s Dirty Power Plan

    It’s bad when America’s national government does little to advance renewable energy; it is far worse when they aggressively promote the most polluting fossil fuels they can find. The good news is that many states, cities, and institutions are moving in the other direction.

  • Our Democracy Needs Science Now More Than Ever

    Our Democracy Needs Science Now More Than Ever

    In a world filled with fake news and “alternative facts,” science is an integral part of an effective democracy that is based on truth and reality.

  • Translating Science into Action

    Translating Science into Action

    How can science be used and transferred effectively by decision-makers? How can we manage scientific uncertainty? These are some of the questions tackled on Monday at the event, ‘Speaking Science to Power.’

  • The Value of Public Service

    The Value of Public Service

    In a world where we are constantly interacting and competing, we also need to nurture and generate the value of cooperation and compassion. This is a value I call public service.

  • Data Visualization: World Happiness Trends

    Data Visualization: World Happiness Trends

    Could the number of women in a nation’s government have an impact on its happiness? Can air quality effect the mood of a population? Do trains make people happier? Explore World Happiness Report data and trends that might also contribute to a country’s overall well-being.

  • Stepping Back From the Hatred in the Air

    Stepping Back From the Hatred in the Air

    The two alternative universes of red and blue America have far more in common than they seem to know. It is time to focus our attention beyond these differences and focus on the far greater areas of agreement.

  • Anti-Government Ideology and the Federal Government Shutdown

    Anti-Government Ideology and the Federal Government Shutdown

    Building infrastructure, providing emergency services, maintaining social safety nets, and ensuring public safety require an open and capable government.

  • The New House of Representatives Must Compel EPA to Enforce our Environmental Laws

    The New House of Representatives Must Compel EPA to Enforce our Environmental Laws

    We are at the end of two years witnessing the awful spectacle of an Environmental Protection Agency and Interior Department more interested in exploiting natural resources than protecting them. But starting today, the unified control of the national government by President Donald Trump and his enablers has ended.

  • Trump’s Dirty Power Plan

    Trump’s Dirty Power Plan

    It’s bad when America’s national government does little to advance renewable energy; it is far worse when they aggressively promote the most polluting fossil fuels they can find. The good news is that many states, cities, and institutions are moving in the other direction.

  • Our Democracy Needs Science Now More Than Ever

    Our Democracy Needs Science Now More Than Ever

    In a world filled with fake news and “alternative facts,” science is an integral part of an effective democracy that is based on truth and reality.

  • Translating Science into Action

    Translating Science into Action

    How can science be used and transferred effectively by decision-makers? How can we manage scientific uncertainty? These are some of the questions tackled on Monday at the event, ‘Speaking Science to Power.’

  • The Value of Public Service

    The Value of Public Service

    In a world where we are constantly interacting and competing, we also need to nurture and generate the value of cooperation and compassion. This is a value I call public service.