State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

hy-flex teaching

  • The Necessity of In-Person Education

    The Necessity of In-Person Education

    We have the tools to reduce the risk of viral transmission, and if we use those tools, we should be able to resume normal schooling.

  • Personal Reflections on Education During the Pandemic

    Personal Reflections on Education During the Pandemic

    Like everyone else, I am eager for the vaccine to be distributed and for the infection rate to go down so we can all exhale and return to the real world. A world I know I will never again take for granted.

  • Back to School During a Pandemic

    Back to School During a Pandemic

    Being in a classroom, even with a mask and with nearly half of my students online, provides a semblance of normalcy and I am grateful for the opportunity.

  • The Necessity of In-Person Education

    The Necessity of In-Person Education

    We have the tools to reduce the risk of viral transmission, and if we use those tools, we should be able to resume normal schooling.

  • Personal Reflections on Education During the Pandemic

    Personal Reflections on Education During the Pandemic

    Like everyone else, I am eager for the vaccine to be distributed and for the infection rate to go down so we can all exhale and return to the real world. A world I know I will never again take for granted.

  • Back to School During a Pandemic

    Back to School During a Pandemic

    Being in a classroom, even with a mask and with nearly half of my students online, provides a semblance of normalcy and I am grateful for the opportunity.