State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Lenfest Center2

  • Theater Group to Perform “Climate Cabaret” at Lamont Open House

    Theater Group to Perform “Climate Cabaret” at Lamont Open House

    “Field Trip: A Climate Cabaret,” at the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory Open House on Oct. 6, will use song and dance to focus on the research of prominent female scientists.

  • Studying Cutting-Edge Carbon Storage Technologies

    Studying Cutting-Edge Carbon Storage Technologies

    This past June, PhD candidates from Earth Institute’s Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy Miriam Okun and Yinghuang Ji traveled to Alabama to attend Research Experience in Carbon Sequestration (RECS), an intensive 10-day program hosted by Southern Company and sponsored by the Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory.  The program allowed participants to study cutting-edge…

  • One Planet, Too Many People?

    One Planet, Too Many People?

    Can we manage the needs of 9 billion people for water, food and energy without depleting our resources and ruining the environment? “The solutions,” says Tim Fox, “are all within the capability of existing technology.”

  • Artificial Trees: Giving Us Time to Act?

    Artificial Trees: Giving Us Time to Act?

    Soon after Klaus Lackner met Allen Wright at Biosphere 2 in Arizona, they began dreaming up a way to pull CO2 out of the air. After years of work, the two have come up with a working laboratory-scale prototype…

  • Klaus S. Lackner – Director of the Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy

    To address the exponential rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations since the Industrial Revolution, Professor Klaus S. Lackner, director of the Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy at the Earth Institute, is working on ambitious carbon capture and sequestration strategies.  “Our goal is to take a process that takes 100,000 years and compress it into 30…

  • Theater Group to Perform “Climate Cabaret” at Lamont Open House

    Theater Group to Perform “Climate Cabaret” at Lamont Open House

    “Field Trip: A Climate Cabaret,” at the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory Open House on Oct. 6, will use song and dance to focus on the research of prominent female scientists.

  • Studying Cutting-Edge Carbon Storage Technologies

    Studying Cutting-Edge Carbon Storage Technologies

    This past June, PhD candidates from Earth Institute’s Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy Miriam Okun and Yinghuang Ji traveled to Alabama to attend Research Experience in Carbon Sequestration (RECS), an intensive 10-day program hosted by Southern Company and sponsored by the Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory.  The program allowed participants to study cutting-edge…

  • One Planet, Too Many People?

    One Planet, Too Many People?

    Can we manage the needs of 9 billion people for water, food and energy without depleting our resources and ruining the environment? “The solutions,” says Tim Fox, “are all within the capability of existing technology.”

  • Artificial Trees: Giving Us Time to Act?

    Artificial Trees: Giving Us Time to Act?

    Soon after Klaus Lackner met Allen Wright at Biosphere 2 in Arizona, they began dreaming up a way to pull CO2 out of the air. After years of work, the two have come up with a working laboratory-scale prototype…

  • Klaus S. Lackner – Director of the Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy

    To address the exponential rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations since the Industrial Revolution, Professor Klaus S. Lackner, director of the Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy at the Earth Institute, is working on ambitious carbon capture and sequestration strategies.  “Our goal is to take a process that takes 100,000 years and compress it into 30…