State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

lithium-ion batteries

  • The Paradox of Lithium

    The Paradox of Lithium

    The clean energy transition depends heavily on lithium, but mining this element is not “clean.” We must not fall into the same traps from which we are trying to free ourselves.

  • By Favoring Allies, Inflation Reduction Act Could Delay Decarbonization Efforts

    By Favoring Allies, Inflation Reduction Act Could Delay Decarbonization Efforts

    Domestic supply requirements in the landmark climate bill could make it more difficult to obtain the critical minerals needed for energy transition, and may disqualify many leading brands of electric vehicles from tax credits.

  • Stop Calling Green Energy ‘Clean’

    Stop Calling Green Energy ‘Clean’

    The so-called clean energy transition depends on massive environmental destruction.

  • The Race for Better Batteries

    The Race for Better Batteries

    The worldwide transition from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy is under way, but to integrate all this variable power into the grid, battery storage is key. Researchers around the world are working on developing better and cheaper batteries.

  • The Paradox of Lithium

    The Paradox of Lithium

    The clean energy transition depends heavily on lithium, but mining this element is not “clean.” We must not fall into the same traps from which we are trying to free ourselves.

  • By Favoring Allies, Inflation Reduction Act Could Delay Decarbonization Efforts

    By Favoring Allies, Inflation Reduction Act Could Delay Decarbonization Efforts

    Domestic supply requirements in the landmark climate bill could make it more difficult to obtain the critical minerals needed for energy transition, and may disqualify many leading brands of electric vehicles from tax credits.

  • Stop Calling Green Energy ‘Clean’

    Stop Calling Green Energy ‘Clean’

    The so-called clean energy transition depends on massive environmental destruction.

  • The Race for Better Batteries

    The Race for Better Batteries

    The worldwide transition from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy is under way, but to integrate all this variable power into the grid, battery storage is key. Researchers around the world are working on developing better and cheaper batteries.