State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School


  • The Fire This Time: Facing the Reality of Climate Change

    The Fire This Time: Facing the Reality of Climate Change

    While our short-term response to extreme weather must remain on adaptation, in the long run, we need to understand the reality of the warmer planet we live on and work to mitigate climate change.

  • Technology Not Treaties will Reduce Global Warming

    Technology Not Treaties will Reduce Global Warming

    Diplomacy has influence, but only the development and implementation of new technologies will end the climate crisis.

  • Report Forecasts Worsening Climate Hazards for Region

    Report Forecasts Worsening Climate Hazards for Region

    A new report gives a worrisome picture of climate-related problems the New York region will likely face this century. Temperatures are projected to rise, extreme precipitation and heat waves will be more frequent, and sea level could rise as much as 6 feet.

  • Unsettled by Climate Change

    Unsettled by Climate Change

    Climate change already laps at the edges of some communities, disrupting local economies and habitat, and forcing resettlement. But a new study notes that any efforts to offset the effects of shifting climate could lead to even more displacement and disruption for many people, particularly the poor.

  • Migration in the Face of Global Environmental Change

    Migration in the Face of Global Environmental Change

    Over the past 40 years, coastal and inland water ecosystems experienced the greatest levels of net in-migration, vs. mountain, forest, cultivated, and dryland ecosystems, which experienced the greatest levels of net out-migration, says a new report.

  • Grounding Climate Negotiations in Solution-Oriented Research

    Grounding Climate Negotiations in Solution-Oriented Research

    With the generous support of the Planet Heritage Foundation and the Skoll Global Threats Fund, the Earth Institute is initiating the Global Network for Climate Solutions and evaluating its ability to influence future international climate negotiations by grounding them in shared research that is focused on concrete solutions and action. The effort aims to facilitate…

  • Why Women Matter

    Megatons of carbon dioxide, radiative forcing, technology deployment, cap-and-trade systems: this is the common vocabulary of climate change. Concepts of equality, justice and ethics are relative latecomers to this highly specialized and technical world. Where they have emerged, terms like ‘climate justice’ usually refer to the interests of developing nations as a whole, reflecting the deep…

  • Climate News Roundup — Week of 6/14

    Bill Gates funds cloud-whitening effort to reduce global warming.  USA Today Bill Gates is funding research into whether or not it is effective and feasible to increase the albedo of atmospheric clouds by spray sea mist high into the atmosphere. The plan, spearheaded by Silicon Valley inventor Armand Neukermans, is a relatively benign method of…

  • Is there hope from Copenhagen?

    Can we find positives from the United Nations Summit on climate change?  Even President Obama  admits that disappointment is justified, although the Commander in Chief claims a non-binding accord was better than a complete collapse of the negotiations. Jeffrey Sachs, fearless leader of the Earth Institute, adamantly opposed such victory proclamation from the President, for…

  • The Fire This Time: Facing the Reality of Climate Change

    The Fire This Time: Facing the Reality of Climate Change

    While our short-term response to extreme weather must remain on adaptation, in the long run, we need to understand the reality of the warmer planet we live on and work to mitigate climate change.

  • Technology Not Treaties will Reduce Global Warming

    Technology Not Treaties will Reduce Global Warming

    Diplomacy has influence, but only the development and implementation of new technologies will end the climate crisis.

  • Report Forecasts Worsening Climate Hazards for Region

    Report Forecasts Worsening Climate Hazards for Region

    A new report gives a worrisome picture of climate-related problems the New York region will likely face this century. Temperatures are projected to rise, extreme precipitation and heat waves will be more frequent, and sea level could rise as much as 6 feet.

  • Unsettled by Climate Change

    Unsettled by Climate Change

    Climate change already laps at the edges of some communities, disrupting local economies and habitat, and forcing resettlement. But a new study notes that any efforts to offset the effects of shifting climate could lead to even more displacement and disruption for many people, particularly the poor.

  • Migration in the Face of Global Environmental Change

    Migration in the Face of Global Environmental Change

    Over the past 40 years, coastal and inland water ecosystems experienced the greatest levels of net in-migration, vs. mountain, forest, cultivated, and dryland ecosystems, which experienced the greatest levels of net out-migration, says a new report.

  • Grounding Climate Negotiations in Solution-Oriented Research

    Grounding Climate Negotiations in Solution-Oriented Research

    With the generous support of the Planet Heritage Foundation and the Skoll Global Threats Fund, the Earth Institute is initiating the Global Network for Climate Solutions and evaluating its ability to influence future international climate negotiations by grounding them in shared research that is focused on concrete solutions and action. The effort aims to facilitate…

  • Why Women Matter

    Megatons of carbon dioxide, radiative forcing, technology deployment, cap-and-trade systems: this is the common vocabulary of climate change. Concepts of equality, justice and ethics are relative latecomers to this highly specialized and technical world. Where they have emerged, terms like ‘climate justice’ usually refer to the interests of developing nations as a whole, reflecting the deep…

  • Climate News Roundup — Week of 6/14

    Bill Gates funds cloud-whitening effort to reduce global warming.  USA Today Bill Gates is funding research into whether or not it is effective and feasible to increase the albedo of atmospheric clouds by spray sea mist high into the atmosphere. The plan, spearheaded by Silicon Valley inventor Armand Neukermans, is a relatively benign method of…

  • Is there hope from Copenhagen?

    Can we find positives from the United Nations Summit on climate change?  Even President Obama  admits that disappointment is justified, although the Commander in Chief claims a non-binding accord was better than a complete collapse of the negotiations. Jeffrey Sachs, fearless leader of the Earth Institute, adamantly opposed such victory proclamation from the President, for…