An Archive of the Stars Is Born
NASA has designated a group at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory with preserving and making easily accessible data from all the extraterrestrial material curated by the agency.
Rescuing 50 Years of Apollo Sample Data
The Apollo missions brought back unique samples from the moon that have been analyzed by researchers around the world. This data is getting lost and forgotten. A new database collects it and makes it easy to find and use.
How Landing on the Moon Changed Our World
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory director Sean Solomon discusses how Apollo 11 affected the scientific community, how Lamont was involved, and what comes next for lunar exploration.
You Asked: Why Do We Know More About the Moon Than Our Own Oceans?
An Earth Institute oceanographer answers this deep question from a reader as part of our Earth Month Q&A on Instagram.
Days on Earth Are Getting Longer. You Can Thank the Moon, Not the Seasons.
For anyone who has ever wished there were more hours in the day, geoscientists have some good news: Days on Earth are getting longer. Very slowly.
A Moon Holiday to Get Away From It All
A national park on the moon? Preposterous? Not if the Apollo Lunar Landing Legacy Act, put forward by Congresswomen Donna Reed (D – Maryland) and Eddie Bernice Johnson (D – Texas) passes. We could very well be on our way to having a national park on the Moon protecting sites of historical value – where…