Women, Peace and Security Program Team Travels to Mozambique
Researchers from the Women, Peace and Security team believe that by learning about women’s everyday peace and security in the country, as well as women’s involvement in peacebuilding processes in Mozambique, the program can learn valuable lessons that will inform future research and educational programming.
Finding Solutions to Environmental Conflict: Q&A With Josh Fisher
In a rapidly warming world, conflicts inevitably arise between those affected by dwindling resources and changing climate conditions. Josh Fisher’s work centers on trying to avert conflict and provide opportunities for cooperation through understanding the relationships between conflict, environment and development.
Profile: World Citizen Finds Academic Home in Columbia Ph.D. Program
Anisa Khadem Nwachuku calls herself a “world citizen.” With just a cursory glance at her curriculum vitae, it is easy to see why: she has traveled to and lived in every far-flung corner of the world, growing up around poverty and communities in crisis. Originally from Chicago, Khadem Nwachuku was raised by globally minded parents…