MPA in Environmental Science and Policy News12
Student Profile: Andrew Cummings
For Andrew Cummings, the MPA ESP program is providing him the opportunity to marry science and policy with the experience he gained as a United States Peace Corps Volunteer in Burkina Faso. Cummings credits his experience as a volunteer for giving him the skills he needs to succeed in a fast-paced environment.
MPA Students Take Their Learning Outdoors
As part of their Urban Ecology course, students in the MPA-ESP program take part in a series of field trips, applying classroom learning to real-world issues. From hiking to the top of a landfill reclamation site, to paddling the murky waters of the Bronx River, students were immersed in the challenges and complexities associated with…
Research Assistant Openings for Grad Students
The Research Program on Sustainability Policy and Management at the Earth Institute is seeking several graduate-level research assistants for fall 2015, to assist with the program’s various research projects. Read more about the various openings for research in sustainability metrics, sustainable finance, sustainable tourism, and ecosystem services. Applications due August 14, 2015.
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Hosts New MPA Students
On Monday, June 22, the newest Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science & Policy (MPA-ESP) candidates spent a beautiful, sunny day touring Columbia’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, just a short bus ride away in Palisades, NY. Led by Environmental Chemistry professor Benjamin Bostick and Climatology professor Jason Smerdon, the students were exposed to many different…
MPA Program Congratulates Graduates, Welcomes 52 New Students
The MPA in Environmental Science and Policy program is proud to congratulate the 59 members of the Class of 2015 who graduated from the School of International and Public Affairs on May 21 and welcomed 52 new students only five days later on May 26.
Preserving the Origins of Environmental Law for a New Generation of Leaders
In fall 2014, Columbia University, through the School of International and Public Affairs, the School of Continuing Education and the Earth Institute, offered a never-before-taught class on “The Origins of Environmental Law.” While many courses teach the fundamentals of environmental law, this course spoke to the people and politics behind the creation of the legislation.…
MPA Student Hopes to Bridge Gaps in Environmental Policy
For Adrian Ang, the MPA in Environmental Science and Policy program presents a unique blend of skills that he hopes to apply to a future career in environmental policy and leadership.