State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

MPA in Environmental Science and Policy News21

  • ESP Students Share Mid-Semester Findings

    ESP Students Share Mid-Semester Findings

    On Wednesday, March 6, students in the Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) program presented their midterm Workshop briefings for fellow students, staff, and invited guests at Columbia University’s Faculty House. This spring’s Workshop projects, intended for ESP students to gain experience tackling tough environmental problems by working with real-world clients,…

  • Tenth Annual All Ivy Career Fair Draws Top Students and Sustainability Recruiters

    Tenth Annual All Ivy Career Fair Draws Top Students and Sustainability Recruiters

    On Friday, March 1st the All Ivy Environmental and Sustainable Development Career Fair marked its tenth year, with a resounding message that there are jobs for students looking for career opportunities in sustainability. Brown, Cornell, Columbia, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania and Yale teamed up once again to host the fair at the…

  • Former Fulbright Scholar Explores Science of Sustainability

    Former Fulbright Scholar Explores Science of Sustainability

    Current MPA in Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) student Holly Battelle parlayed her undergraduate study of economics into a Fulbright Fellowship in Bangladesh where she explored the economics of solar energy. This field experience prompted her to enroll in the program because she wanted to formally study environmental science and policy and gain the necessary…

  • MPA Student Has Eye on Future in Sustainable Development

    MPA Student Has Eye on Future in Sustainable Development

    Prior to joining the MPA in Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) program, class of 2013 member Pablo Antón Díaz combined his management skills background in economics to evaluate the effects of a financial literacy training project in Mexico City. Working on this project gave Pablo an appreciation of how poverty and development issues were closely…

  • ESP Alum Scales Up Involvement with Earth Institute

    ESP Alum Scales Up Involvement with Earth Institute

    When MPA in Environmental Science and Policy alum Caroline Fox (’12) joined the program, she was seeking a career change and hoped that wherever she landed next would allow her to work on projects that would have a positive impact on the world. Now, as the Project Manager for the Nigeria Scale-Up Initiative at Columbia’s…

  • MPA Student Hopes Program is the Recipe for Success

    MPA Student Hopes Program is the Recipe for Success

    Having studied environmental science as an undergraduate at Rutgers University, current MPA in Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) student Frank Reig always had an interest in environmental issues but only recently decided that it was something he wanted to pursue professionally. Prior to joining the program, Frank earned a culinary arts degree from the Culinary…

  • MPA Student Leads SIPA Sustainability Efforts

    MPA Student Leads SIPA Sustainability Efforts

    Current MPA in Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) student Hanna Helsingen has taken full advantage of the opportunities available to her as a student both inside and outside of the classroom, where she serves as the sustainability chair for the ESP Student Government. With the help of her fellow ESP classmates, Hanna has also used…

  • Teaching Experience Influences Student to Pursue MPA

    Teaching Experience Influences Student to Pursue MPA

    Karl Wasmuth, a student in the MPA Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) has always been interested in environmental issues, but it was not until he started working abroad as an English as a Second Language (ESL) instructor that he began to consider more deeply the individual and international actions that affect the environment. With a…

  • Career Path Leads Alumna Back to Columbia

    Career Path Leads Alumna Back to Columbia

    Amy Hill has worked on projects ranging from recycling initiatives to the built environment, both at home and abroad. Amy served as a Policy Analyst at the EPA and worked for the environmental department in Australia. Now, Amy lives in Manhattan with her family, working as the Associate Director of Research at the Earth Institute.

  • ESP Students Share Mid-Semester Findings

    ESP Students Share Mid-Semester Findings

    On Wednesday, March 6, students in the Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) program presented their midterm Workshop briefings for fellow students, staff, and invited guests at Columbia University’s Faculty House. This spring’s Workshop projects, intended for ESP students to gain experience tackling tough environmental problems by working with real-world clients,…

  • Tenth Annual All Ivy Career Fair Draws Top Students and Sustainability Recruiters

    Tenth Annual All Ivy Career Fair Draws Top Students and Sustainability Recruiters

    On Friday, March 1st the All Ivy Environmental and Sustainable Development Career Fair marked its tenth year, with a resounding message that there are jobs for students looking for career opportunities in sustainability. Brown, Cornell, Columbia, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania and Yale teamed up once again to host the fair at the…

  • Former Fulbright Scholar Explores Science of Sustainability

    Former Fulbright Scholar Explores Science of Sustainability

    Current MPA in Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) student Holly Battelle parlayed her undergraduate study of economics into a Fulbright Fellowship in Bangladesh where she explored the economics of solar energy. This field experience prompted her to enroll in the program because she wanted to formally study environmental science and policy and gain the necessary…

  • MPA Student Has Eye on Future in Sustainable Development

    MPA Student Has Eye on Future in Sustainable Development

    Prior to joining the MPA in Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) program, class of 2013 member Pablo Antón Díaz combined his management skills background in economics to evaluate the effects of a financial literacy training project in Mexico City. Working on this project gave Pablo an appreciation of how poverty and development issues were closely…

  • ESP Alum Scales Up Involvement with Earth Institute

    ESP Alum Scales Up Involvement with Earth Institute

    When MPA in Environmental Science and Policy alum Caroline Fox (’12) joined the program, she was seeking a career change and hoped that wherever she landed next would allow her to work on projects that would have a positive impact on the world. Now, as the Project Manager for the Nigeria Scale-Up Initiative at Columbia’s…

  • MPA Student Hopes Program is the Recipe for Success

    MPA Student Hopes Program is the Recipe for Success

    Having studied environmental science as an undergraduate at Rutgers University, current MPA in Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) student Frank Reig always had an interest in environmental issues but only recently decided that it was something he wanted to pursue professionally. Prior to joining the program, Frank earned a culinary arts degree from the Culinary…

  • MPA Student Leads SIPA Sustainability Efforts

    MPA Student Leads SIPA Sustainability Efforts

    Current MPA in Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) student Hanna Helsingen has taken full advantage of the opportunities available to her as a student both inside and outside of the classroom, where she serves as the sustainability chair for the ESP Student Government. With the help of her fellow ESP classmates, Hanna has also used…

  • Teaching Experience Influences Student to Pursue MPA

    Teaching Experience Influences Student to Pursue MPA

    Karl Wasmuth, a student in the MPA Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) has always been interested in environmental issues, but it was not until he started working abroad as an English as a Second Language (ESL) instructor that he began to consider more deeply the individual and international actions that affect the environment. With a…

  • Career Path Leads Alumna Back to Columbia

    Career Path Leads Alumna Back to Columbia

    Amy Hill has worked on projects ranging from recycling initiatives to the built environment, both at home and abroad. Amy served as a Policy Analyst at the EPA and worked for the environmental department in Australia. Now, Amy lives in Manhattan with her family, working as the Associate Director of Research at the Earth Institute.