MS in Sustainability Management News11
Columbia Climate School Postdoctoral Research Program Now Accepting Applications for 2023
The application deadline is October 31.
Jackson Mississippi and America’s Infrastructure Crisis
The collapse of the public water system in Jackson is far from unique. The combination of climate-accelerated extreme weather and infrastructure disinvestment ensures there will be many more Jacksons in our future.
The Demise of the Internal Combustion Engine
The electric vehicle is one element of a system that will some day be less destructive to the environment than today’s system. California will get there first and will need to teach the world how to get the job done.
Predicting the Future of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The transition away from fossil fuels will take a generation: it is a matter of decades, not days, weeks, months, or years. It requires understanding the problem’s scale and uncertainty and the role of the public and private sectors.
Mayor Adams: Let’s Turn Abbott’s Cheap Political Stunt Into A Strategic Asset for NYC
The economic vitality of New York City is built on immigration. Let’s build on our immigrant tradition and figure out a workaround that enables new immigrants to get started here in New York.
Energy Insecurity and the Price of Gasoline Are Promoting Renewable Energy
While fossil fuels will be needed for a generation as we transition to renewables, they will ultimately be driven from the marketplace by price, pollution, and the performance of renewable energy.
Preparing for Professional Careers in Sustainability
The professional field we are preparing our students to work in has evolved in many ways since we began the program, as have our course offerings.
Dealing With the U.S. Federal Government’s Failure of Climate Leadership
Joe Manchin, like Donald Trump before him, presents a challenge to all of us to figure out how to achieve greenhouse gas reductions in the absence of U.S. national leadership.
The Pace of the Transition to an Environmentally Sustainable Economy
We need to focus less on dramatic gestures and symbols demonstrating commitment and more on operational reality if we are to truly speed the transition and reduce long-term, irreversible damage to the planet.