MS in Sustainability Management News8
Overcoming Obstacles to Electric Vehicles: Charging Stations and Lower Prices
The technology of electric vehicles is poised to displace the internal combustion engine, but it will take time to transition away from a century’s worth of infrastructure and investment.
The Pros and Cons of Working from Home
Looking at remote work from the perspective of management, one can see advantages and disadvantages; organizations will continue to search for the balance of in-person and remote work that best fits their operation.
The False Trade-off Between Green Energy and Toxic Chemical Regulation
The long and tortuous effort to regulate toxic chemicals in America has now come up against an ironic obstacle: anti-environmental lobbying by the manufacturers of batteries and other renewable energy technologies that rely on toxic substances.
Organizations Ignoring ESG Issues Are Asleep
The attack on an ill-defined concept called “woke” public policy has now been extended to attacking managers and investors who have the “nerve” to pay attention to a company’s environmental footprint, organizational governance practices and social and community impact.
The Ohio Toxic Train Wreck and Government’s Failure of Regulation and Response
We need to improve the way we regulate the transport, use, and disposal of toxic substances.
Diversity as a Value, and the Economic Value of Diversity
New York City’s resilience and great economic strength are directly derived from its diverse people and communities.
New York City Government Struggles to Advance Sustainability Goals
Managing New York City is enormously complicated, and reaching carbon reduction goals will be a matter of two steps forward and one step back; management innovation is necessary to bring our city government’s operations into the 21st century and hasten the transition to environmental sustainability.
The Challenge of Sustainable Supply Chains
The heart of the challenge of sustainable supply chains is that “out of sight” can no longer mean “out of mind.”
The Revival of Tibbetts Brook: An Environmental Victory for the Bronx
The 21st century has seen enormous progress in understanding the importance of adding green space and utilizing ecosystem services in New York City. The Tibbetts Brook project will keep our water cleaner and provide a new mile-long green space in the southern Bronx.