Spring 2016 Undergraduate Research Assistant Opportunities
The Earth Institute will offer nine research assistant opportunities for undergraduate students during the Spring 2016 semester.
Global Nutrition Report Highlights Role of Climate
Climate change is complicating global efforts to end malnutrition. Even small and seasonal fluctuations in climate can have big impacts on food availability.
The Significance of Stunting
It is estimated that 165 million children around the world are stunted. That is to say 165 million children are stunted in their growth, development and future potential.
Improving Seeds to Meet Future Challenges
Scientists and agronomists are racing to develop seeds that are higher yielding, more nutritious, and both drought and climate resilient to meet the challenge of feeding the world in the future.
India is booming – so why are nearly half of its children malnourished? (Part 2)
About one third of the world’s malnourished children live in India. What is the country doing about its nutrition challenges, and is there a way forward?
India is booming – so why are nearly half of its children malnourished? (Part 1)
India has more hungry people than anywhere in the world, and remains an enigma in global nutrition. How can a country have shining economic growth and strong agricultural productivity, without commensurate reductions in hunger and malnutrition?
A Community-based Approach to Combating Malnutrition: What It Looks Like and How to Evaluate It
In a world of increasing rates of obesity, it is sometimes hard to remember that another type of malnutrition—undernutrition—remains a major contributor to mortality. Although all ages may be affected by malnutrition, children are most vulnerable to death and long-term disabilities caused by this disease. As such, treating and preventing undernutrition in children contribute to…
Scaling Up The Right Nutrition Solutions In Emergencies…But Is There Enough?
Ready-to-use supplementary foods (RUSF), fortified with necessary micro- and macronutrients, are central in WFP’s nutrition response in Pakistan– with upwards of 850,000 households receiving these life-saving foods over the coming months. Though other food-based nutrition solutions exist, these specialised nutrition products do not require the addition of water — decreasing the risk of infections due…
Over $1m in New Commitments to Support Earth Institute Work
Today, two of the world’s leading companies announce grants and technical support totaling more than $1,000,000 aimed at ending global poverty by 2015.