State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

old trees2

  • Charismatic Megaflora: What do Old Trees Look Like?

    Charismatic Megaflora: What do Old Trees Look Like?

    Charismatic megaflora? What kind of a tree might that be? As with many things, one person’s charismatic megaflora is another person’s tree. For myself, a tree that would draw and hold my attention as a younger person/student is very different than my current definition of a charismatic tree.

  • Charismatic Megaflora: What do Old Trees Look Like?

    Charismatic Megaflora: What do Old Trees Look Like?

    Charismatic megaflora? What kind of a tree might that be? As with many things, one person’s charismatic megaflora is another person’s tree. For myself, a tree that would draw and hold my attention as a younger person/student is very different than my current definition of a charismatic tree.