State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School


  • Wealth & Giving Forum Inspires Spirit of Giving to Fight Malaria in Africa

    A myriad of messages compete for attention in today’s world. Filtering reliable facts from all the noise can be a time-consuming challenge for philanthropists interested in taking concrete steps to create lasting, positive change. Organizations like the Wealth & Giving Forum are helping families and individuals of means to distill competing demands on philanthropy into…

  • Wealth & Giving Forum Inspires Spirit of Giving to Fight Malaria in Africa

    A myriad of messages compete for attention in today’s world. Filtering reliable facts from all the noise can be a time-consuming challenge for philanthropists interested in taking concrete steps to create lasting, positive change. Organizations like the Wealth & Giving Forum are helping families and individuals of means to distill competing demands on philanthropy into…