How to Make Good on the Promise of Water as a Human Right
Is the creation of a National Water Framework Law or other stronger national legislation the right approach to creating a more sustainable water regime in India? To answer that question, one has to look at the current constitutional status of water rights in the country.
Deep Sea Mining: Out of Sight, Out of Mind?
Are we willing to compromise deep sea ecosystems and biodiversity for prodigious amounts of mineral materials? Will deep sea mining have the largest footprint of any single human activity on the planet? The race is on to create more progressive, environmental regulations concerning deep sea mining, but much more scientific research is still necessary to…
Decision Making Under Uncertainty at AAAS
Researchers from the Center for Research on Environmental Decisions will participate in a poster session featuring the work of each center funded under the National Science Foundation’s “Decision Making Under Uncertainty” grant. Nada Petrovic and Lisa Zaval will present the poster “What’s in a frame when it comes to fossil fuels: Does health matter more…
Practicum Introduces Students to Earth Institute Research
Each fall the Earth Institute offers a unique insight into the cutting-edge research of institute centers and units and the policy implications of that research in the Earth Institute Practicum. The practicum provides an opportunity to learn about issues in sustainable development, sustainability management and environmental science from faculty and researchers in these areas.
Executive Courses in Conservation, Sustainability
The Center for Environmental Research and Conservation at Columbia University provides professionals with the knowledge and tools to be effective environmental leaders and decision makers in the 21st century. It is an evening program in which environmental issues are discussed, debated and examined, where participants develop an in-depth understanding of conservation science and practice through…