State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School


  • Household Survey in Kenya Lays Groundwork for Fight Against Poverty

    Household Survey in Kenya Lays Groundwork for Fight Against Poverty

    A new survey conducted in three informal settlements in Kisumu, Kenya, examined poverty at the household level, gleaning information on the quality of life experienced by individuals living in such settlements. A follow-up workshop gave researchers a chance to share the information with local residents and hear their thoughts on the needs of poor neighborhoods.

  • East Africa Drought Is “Exceptional”

    East Africa Drought Is “Exceptional”

    Climate scientist Simon Mason talks about the drought and the role of climate information in disaster preparedness and response.

  • How You Can Help Earth Cope with 7 Billion

    How You Can Help Earth Cope with 7 Billion

    Earth’s population has more than doubled in the last 50 years to 7 billion. The numbers represent big challenges—feeding and providing for additional people on a planet already stressed by environmental damage and climate change. What can ordinary individuals do?

  • Bringing Water to Rural Communities in Brazil

    Bringing Water to Rural Communities in Brazil

    Though Portuguese settlers and Brazilians have lived in the sertão since the 16th century, it has never been an easy place to thrive. The primary reason is water.

  • Disasters, and the Traps of Poverty and Wealth

    We like to categorize disasters into two types – natural and man-made. 2011 has begun with massive flooding in agricultural regions of Northeast Australia causing shoppers to brace for the inevitable increase in food prices that will soon follow. Just one death so far though and no doubt the rugged Australian farmer will get through…

  • The Economist: Special Report on Water, a primer for the water crisis

    The Economist has released a Special Report on Water, dated May 22nd, 2010, written by John Grimond. The 18 page report contains 9 short but substantial articles giving an overview of global water issues.

  • Reflections on Haiti

    Earlier this month, I was lucky enough to travel to Haiti to install a weather monitoring station, as well as conduct streamflow measurements and water quality assessments with Water Center employee Lior Asaf.  Traveling to Haiti gave me my first exposure to how water and climate issues are affecting poor and developing countries, as well…

  • The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the Principality of Monaco Support Sustainable Development in Mali

    NEW YORK, April 11 – The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the Principality of Monaco have launched a new partnership with the Earth Institute, Columbia University that stands to make important new strides in protecting biodiversity and addressing the urgent needs of the rural poor in Mali.  With a $1.5 million grant, this…

  • State of the Planet 2010

    We all watched the earth move at State of the Planet (SOP) 2010 literally and figuratively. The backdrop on the main stage in New York was a giant rotating earth, spinning from continent to continent as we connected leaders from around the globe who urged action on issues of climate change, poverty, economic recovery and…

  • Household Survey in Kenya Lays Groundwork for Fight Against Poverty

    Household Survey in Kenya Lays Groundwork for Fight Against Poverty

    A new survey conducted in three informal settlements in Kisumu, Kenya, examined poverty at the household level, gleaning information on the quality of life experienced by individuals living in such settlements. A follow-up workshop gave researchers a chance to share the information with local residents and hear their thoughts on the needs of poor neighborhoods.

  • East Africa Drought Is “Exceptional”

    East Africa Drought Is “Exceptional”

    Climate scientist Simon Mason talks about the drought and the role of climate information in disaster preparedness and response.

  • How You Can Help Earth Cope with 7 Billion

    How You Can Help Earth Cope with 7 Billion

    Earth’s population has more than doubled in the last 50 years to 7 billion. The numbers represent big challenges—feeding and providing for additional people on a planet already stressed by environmental damage and climate change. What can ordinary individuals do?

  • Bringing Water to Rural Communities in Brazil

    Bringing Water to Rural Communities in Brazil

    Though Portuguese settlers and Brazilians have lived in the sertão since the 16th century, it has never been an easy place to thrive. The primary reason is water.

  • Disasters, and the Traps of Poverty and Wealth

    We like to categorize disasters into two types – natural and man-made. 2011 has begun with massive flooding in agricultural regions of Northeast Australia causing shoppers to brace for the inevitable increase in food prices that will soon follow. Just one death so far though and no doubt the rugged Australian farmer will get through…

  • The Economist: Special Report on Water, a primer for the water crisis

    The Economist has released a Special Report on Water, dated May 22nd, 2010, written by John Grimond. The 18 page report contains 9 short but substantial articles giving an overview of global water issues.

  • Reflections on Haiti

    Earlier this month, I was lucky enough to travel to Haiti to install a weather monitoring station, as well as conduct streamflow measurements and water quality assessments with Water Center employee Lior Asaf.  Traveling to Haiti gave me my first exposure to how water and climate issues are affecting poor and developing countries, as well…

  • The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the Principality of Monaco Support Sustainable Development in Mali

    NEW YORK, April 11 – The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the Principality of Monaco have launched a new partnership with the Earth Institute, Columbia University that stands to make important new strides in protecting biodiversity and addressing the urgent needs of the rural poor in Mali.  With a $1.5 million grant, this…

  • State of the Planet 2010

    We all watched the earth move at State of the Planet (SOP) 2010 literally and figuratively. The backdrop on the main stage in New York was a giant rotating earth, spinning from continent to continent as we connected leaders from around the globe who urged action on issues of climate change, poverty, economic recovery and…