Radley M. Horton2
Adapt or Retreat? Conference Will Explore Questions of Habitability in a Changing World
At Columbia Climate School’s Managed Retreat conference, local and international academics, scientists, and community members will join representatives from different sectors to discuss managed retreat, habitability, and climate justice.
How Wildfire Smoke Can Travel Thousands of Miles, and How to Protect Yourself
Columbia Climate School experts comment on the dangerous air pollution from Canadian wildfires.
You Asked: What Can We Do About Climate Tipping Points?
Climate scientist Radley Horton tackles questions about climate tipping points, and how we can tip the scales in a safer direction.
Double Trouble: The Importance of Thinking About Compound Risk
Compound risk — when multiple risks occur simultaneously, or one after another — was the topic of a recent discussion as part of the Resilience Media Project, a part of the Initiative on Communication and Sustainability at the Earth Institute.
Radley Horton: Finding Answers and Spreading Messages of Caution and Hope on Climate
Climatologist Radley Horton’s impactful research is matched by his commitment to communicating the under-appreciated threats associated with global warming.
‘Tail Risk’: a Chat with Scientist Radley Horton
We’re talking to experts around the Earth Institute about what they’re working on, what they would like people to know about it, and what inspired them to go into their field.